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17 février 2020

YouTube Executives Ignored Warnings, Letting Toxic Videos Run Rampant

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. YouTube Executives Ignored Warnings, Letting Toxic Videos Run Rampant
Mark Bergen, Bloomberg, 2019/04/03
Make no mistake. I think YouTube is a fantastic resource. But it has problems because of the way it rewards engagement and views, and because it's recommendation engine can be manipulated by controversy and outrage. "The massive 'library,' generated by users with little editorial oversight, is bound to have untrue nonsense. Instead, YouTube’s problem is that it allows the nonsense to flourish. And, in some cases, through its powerful artificial intelligence system, it even provides the fuel that lets it spread." Good article. More...

17 février 2020

Establishing software root of trust unconditionally

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Establishing software root of trust unconditionally
Adrian Colyer, The Morning Paper, 2019/04/03
A 'root of trust' "ensures that a system state comprises all and only content chosen by the user, and the user’s code begins execution in that state." In other words, only if you have a root of trust can you be sure nobody else has infiltrated your computer with spyware or whatever. This paper (Establishing software root of trust unconditionally Gligor & Woo, NDSS’19) demonstrates a proof for root of trust. The proof is complex. More...

17 février 2020

In India, MOOCs Are Now Part of the Education System

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. In India, MOOCs Are Now Part of the Education System
One of the things that has made me happy about MOOCs is not the way some entrepreneurs turned them into multi-million dollar businesses, but how they have really become a fixture of the education systems in less privileged regions of the world. This impact is demonstrated through stories like this. This story describes SWAYAM, which stands for Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds and means self in Hindi. Students can sign up for courses on SWAYAM, which are free to take, and upon completion, have them count toward their degree. More...

17 février 2020

I tried creating a web browser, and Google blocked me

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. I tried creating a web browser, and Google blocked me
Samuel Maddock, Samuel Maddock’s Blog, 2019/04/03
As the world continues to converge on the One True OSS Browser that is Google's Chromium, this article serves as an important warning about a poison pill that is being added to the mix. To play protected content such as Netflix videos or PlayStation games, you need a DRM solution such as Google's Wildvine - in fact, Wildvine is the only solution for Chromium. But if you're actually building an open source browser based on Chromium, you can't use Wildvine. "Google, the creators of the open source browser Chrome, won’t allow DRM in an open source project." Buyer beware. More...

17 février 2020

Adoption of AI in education is accelerating. Massive potential but hurdles remain.

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Adoption of AI in education is accelerating. Massive potential but hurdles remain.
HolonIQ, 2019/04/05
I saw this a few days ago, didn't list it, and then needed it almost right away. That's a pretty good sign I need to list it. This summary describes how artificial intelligence is being used in education. What makes it useful are the breakdowns - differemt AI applications, different uses in education, different reasons for adoption, where AI is creating value, etc. More...

17 février 2020

Engineering Proteins in the Cloud with Python and Transcriptic, or, How to Make Any Protein You Want for $360

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Engineering Proteins in the Cloud with Python and Transcriptic, or, How to Make Any Protein You Want for $360
Brian Naughton, Boolean Biotech, 2019/04/05
The promise is something else: "In this article, I'll develop Python code that will take me from an idea for a protein all the way to expression of the protein in a bacterial cell, all without touching a pipette or talking to a human." In many ways this post is super-complex and I wouldn't expect readers to work though the example provided. For one thing, it would cost some money, and for another, synthesizing your own proteins isn't exactly the easiest thing to do if you don't have any bio-engineering background. That said, this is a fantastic example of the sort of thing we can do with dynamic data-driven open educational resources (OER). Even if all you do is follow along and tweak the embedded algorithms and graphs, you're still gaining something. (From 2016, via O'Reilly - the website is getting slammed at the moment but the response on Wayback is pretty good). More...

17 février 2020


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. EducationalOccupationalCredential, 2019/04/02
Phil Barker writes, " v 3.5 is now released, with EducationalOccupationalCredential 'proposed for full integration into, pending implementation feedback and adoption from applications and websites'." The specification is pretty minimal, with 90% of it being imported from CreativeWork and from Thing. Note the uses described: "educational background needed for the position or occupation; a description of the qualification, award, certificate, diploma or other educational credential awarded as a consequence of successful completion of this course; or specific qualifications required for a role or occupation. More...

17 février 2020

Microsoft Education & Open Up Resources partner on English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum pilot

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Microsoft Education & Open Up Resources partner on English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum pilot
Mike Tholfsen, Microsoft Education, 2019/04/02
According to this article, Microsoft is announcing "the pilot availability of the Open Up Resources ELA curriculum and Microsoft Education free offering." They were created by Open Up Resources, "an education nonprofit that creates high-quality, standards-aligned curriculum, and provides it for free to improve education equity." Ah, but it comes with conditions. The first is that the content is designed for Microsoft's OneNote, so you can't simply use (say) a web browser. More...

17 février 2020

The culture war at the heart of open source

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The culture war at the heart of open source
Steve Klabnik, 2019/04/02
It's interesting to see that some of the issues we've had around open educational resources have also been at play in the world of free and open source software. Steve Klabnik authors two posts (first, second) on the subject. Here's the crux: people are concerned not just about the redistribution of software, but also (and mainly) about the production of software - that users of open source contribute to the community, fix bugs, include documentation, etc. More...

17 février 2020

AO3 Nominated for Hugo Award

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. AO3 Nominated for Hugo Award
Archive of Our Own, 2019/04/02
Nominated for a Hugo Award (for excellence in science fiction and fantasy) is a website called Archive of Our Own (AO3), "a fan-created, fan-run, non-profit, non-commercial archive for transformative fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fan videos, and podfic." AO3 is a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. This site challenges traditional publishing norms by supporting unauthorized versions of popular cultural works, and by maintaining a steadfast open access (or, at least (free) membership access) policy. More...

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