Techno-News Blog. History tells us it takes time for an EdTech product to adapted and used in the classroom. This is because, in addition to the product itself, you must deal with school districts that require time to make financial decisions, as well as convince the buyer(s) that the product is worth the time it will take to learn and the overall cost. More...
Student outcomes is the only metric that matters in EdTech
Techno-News Blog. EdTech companies use lots of metrics to measure the success of their products. Profits, number of products sold, and market share are among the ways that EdTech firms use to determine whether a product has been successful. But none of these metrics are as important as one thing—student outcomes. In most industries, companies are primarily focused on profits. More...
Using Virtual Reality in the Real-Life Classroom
Techno-News Blog. Although we are currently in the infancy stage of using virtual reality as an avenue through which curriculum is delivered, this technology has tremendous potential for connecting students not only with one another, but with the world around them. More...
Three Things to Think About Now that Net Neutrality Rules Are Reversed
Techno-News Blog. As expected, the Federal Communications Commission voted Thursday on a party line vote 3-2 to reverse the 2015 net neutrality rules. More...
Survey: 94% of Students Want to Use Their Cell Phones in Class
Techno-News Blog. A whopping 94 percent of students in a recent survey said they want to use their cell phones in class for academic purposes. The survey found that a large number of students — 75 percent — believe using personal devices in the classroom has improved their ability to learn and retain information. More...
New Media Consortium Suddenly Ceases Operations
Techno-News Blog. In an e-mail announcement, the New Media Consortium revealed that it will cease operations immediately. The e-mail stated: “The New Media Consortium (NMC) regrets to announce that because of apparent errors and omissions by its former Controller and Chief Financial Officer, the organization finds itself insolvent. More...
The evolution of ransomware: Get ready for more advanced social engineering tactics
Techno-News Blog. Prepare your company for more sophisticated, complex, and devastating ransomware attacks in 2018, says Avecto COO Andrew Avanessian. End users are the easiest thing in the world to dupe into clicking something, Avanessian said. If a hacker can socially engineer a user into using their code, they get control over a network. More...
Warning: Cyber breaches more likely over holiday break
Techno-News Blog. Poor employee cyber hygiene may put companies at heightened risk for attack over the holiday break, according to a new report from T-Systems. T-Systems, the corporate IT and cybersecurity arm of Europe’s largest telecom company, Deutsche Telekom, warns companies that security risks abound when companies allow employees to work over Christmas. More...
Eastern Washington adopts Microsoft’s data science program
Techno-News Blog. Eastern Washington University has adopted courses from Microsoft’s Professional Program in Data Science, a move that officials said allowed it to quickly develop a degree in specialized data analytics. The new courses allow students to complete a BS in data analytics and earn a professional credential from Microsoft, according EWU’s website. More...
La formation professionnelle des personnes en recherche d’emploi en 2015 - Plus de 684 000 entrées en formation
Les régions restent en 2015 le commanditaire majoritaire des formations pour les personnes en recherche d’emploi (51 %). Leurs actions ont été, pour la moitié d’entre elles, destinées aux jeunes en insertion. Pôle emploi a commandé 35 % des stages et les organismes paritaires collecteurs agréés (Opca) 3 %. La part des formations commandées par l’État hors Pôle emploi diminue fortement (4 %, soit 2 points de moins qu’en 2014) en raison du nouveau mouvement de décentralisation enclenché par la loi du 5 mars 2014.
Tous commanditaires confondus, les formations débutées en 2015 ont duré en moyenne 4,4 mois. Les stages commandés par Pôle emploi et par les Opca, qui cherchent davantage à répondre aux besoins immédiats des entreprises, sont beaucoup plus courts (respectivement 1,9 et 2,8 mois). Sur l’ensemble de l’année 2015, en France entière, le taux d’accès à la formation des personnes en recherche d’emploi est stable par rapport à 2014 : 10,5 % des personnes ayant connu au moins un mois principalement au chômage ont débuté une formation. C’est le cas de 24,0 % des jeunes de moins de 26 ans peu ou pas qualifiés.
Sur l’ensemble de l’année 2015, en France entière, le taux d’accès à la formation des personnes en recherche d’emploi est stable par rapport à 2014 : 10,5 % des personnes ayant connu au moins un mois principalement au chômage ont débuté une formation. Ce taux est de 24,0 % pour les jeunes de moins de 26 ans peu ou pas qualifiés.
Dares Résultats 2017-085 - La formation professionnelle des personnes en recherche d’emploi en 2015