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18 octobre 2017

The Paradox of Worry About Job-Taking Robots in an Environment of Labor Shortages

By Joshua Kim. The big idea that has captured much of our collective imagination is that the robots are coming to take our jobs.  Well, maybe not our jobs - as higher ed people seem convinced that no A.I. could ever do what they do.  But everyone else's job. More...

18 octobre 2017

Will You Pay $6 A Month to Watch Star Trek: Discovery?

By Joshua KimNowhere is the love of Star Trek more fervent than in those who work at the intersection of technology and learning. In edtech, we are on a mission to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, and to boldly go where no one has gone before. More...

18 octobre 2017

Against (Only) Digital Textbooks

By Joshua KimThe second installment of Quartz's four-part series The Vanishing University claims that “college textbooks are going the way of Netflix." More...

18 octobre 2017

Professors Have Taken Over the MOOCs

By Joshua Kim. The old story was that MOOCs are just another overhyped educational technology, one more example of interests outside of the academy (investors, technologists) seeking to “disrupt college” without any true understanding of how higher education actually works. More...

18 octobre 2017

What is the Most Successful Education Technology of All Time?

By Joshua Kim. How can I not take a crack at answering John Warner’s question in his must-read response to the unfortunately headlined Quartz piece, Imagine How Great Universities Could be Without all Those Human Teachers. More...

18 octobre 2017

Why Smartphone Fixation is Better Than Big Screens in Public Places

By Joshua Kim. I fear we are turning into digital robots. Will future generations know how to converse with one another face to face? Will they notice the birds, trees, sunrise and the people with whom they share the planet. More...

18 octobre 2017

Pushing Back on the EdTech Investment Bubble Meme Via Slack's $5 Billion Valuation

By Joshua Kim. This summer there were reports that Amazon was thinking about acquiring Slack for a cool $9 billion. More...

18 octobre 2017

'Null States' and Our Postsecondary Obsession with Big Data

By Joshua Kim. Null States, the second book in the series, is the warning about the limits of big data driven decision making that we don’t quite understand that we need. More...

18 octobre 2017

Thinking About Campus Electricity While Reading 'Simply Electrifying’

By Joshua Kim. Simply Electrifying attempts to integrate the complete 250-year history of electricity into a single 400 page (15 hour audio) book. More...

18 octobre 2017

Future Little Histories Books Inspired by 'A Little History of Economics’

By Joshua Kim. Listening to A Little History of Economics will require 592 minutes of your time.  If you read the book with your eyes, count on about 296 minutes.  (As we read about twice as fast with our eyes as our ears).  I challenge you to share with us a better use of 592 (or 296) minutes. More...

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