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20 novembre 2016

EHEA - Consultative members - EQAR

Logo of the Bologna ProcessEQAR is a non-voting member of the Bologna Follow-Up Group.
In most European countries, higher education institutions or study programmes are subject to regular external review by a quality assurance agency. The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) is a register of such agencies, listing those agencies that have demonstrated their substantial compliance with a common set of principles for quality assurance in Europe. More...
20 novembre 2016

EHEA - Consultative members - EURASHE - European Association of Institutions in Higher Education

Logo of the Bologna ProcessThe European Association of Institutions in Higher Education - EURASHE - is a consultative member of the Bologna Follow-Up Group.
The European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) mission is to promote, within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the interests of professional higher education and of relevant higher education institutions that are recognised or financed by the public authorities of a EHEA member country. More...
20 novembre 2016

EHEA - Consultative members - UNESCO - The World-Class University and Ranking: Aiming Beyond Status

Logo of the Bologna ProcessThe premier publication of the new series “Higher Education for a Knowledge Society” represents the first academic analysis of its kind detailing a major recent development in higher education – the rising prominence of the “world-class university”, as well as the phenomenon and impact of “ranking of higher education institutions”. More...
19 novembre 2016

EHEA - Consultative members - UNESCO

Logo of the Bologna ProcessUNESCO is a consultative member of the Bologna Follow-Up Group.
Since its creation in 1945, UNESCO’s mission has been to contribute to the building of peace, poverty eradication, lasting development and intercultural dialogue, with education as one of its principal activities to achieve this aim. The Organization is committed to a holistic and humanistic vision of quality education worldwide, the realization of everyone’s right to education and the belief that education plays a fundamental role in human, social and economic development. More...
19 novembre 2016

EHEA - Consultative members - EUA - Trends Reports

Logo of the Bologna ProcessSince 1999, the European University Association (EUA) has been publishing the Trends reports, with a view to feeding an institutional perspective into European higher education policy discussions, and improving exchange and networking among European universities and support for them. The principal method is a questionnaire sent to European higher education institutions, which is complemented by other research methods, including focus groups, visits to universities, interviews, and questionnaires to other stakeholders. The resulting reports are designed to present reliable, longitudinal information about how the European Higher Education and Research Areas are being developed across the continent.

EUA Trends Report I

EUA Trends Report II

EUA Trends Report III

EUA Trends Report IV

EUA Trends Report V

EUA Trends Report VI

EUA Trends Report VII. More...

19 novembre 2016

EHEA - Consultative members - EUA - Doctoral studies

Logo of the Bologna ProcessThe purpose of EUA Doctoral Education – Taking Salzburg forward is to provide guidelines for the continued implementation of reforms in doctoral education building on the Salzburg Principles and Recommendations.
It is directed at university leaders who want to continue and deepen the implementation of Salzburg at the strategic level, ensuring a consistent, institution-wide approach to doctoral education. More...
19 novembre 2016

EHEA - Consultative members - EUA - Open Access to Research Publications

Logo of the Bologna ProcessThe EUA Roadmap on Open Access to Research Publications focuses primarily on fostering structured dialogue among stakeholders; promoting and supporting the adoption of OA policies, infrastructures and initiatives by European universities; encouraging the development and establishment of advanced scientific recognition and research assessment systems; addressing intellectual property rights and copyright policies for various outputs; considering alternative and sustainable OA business models; promoting access, use and sharing of research publications and data, including text and data mining (TDM); and encouraging, supporting and eventually monitoring the establishment of comprehensive standards for institutional OA policies concerning research publications and teaching materials. More...
19 novembre 2016

EHEA - Consultative members - EUA - History of the participation

Logo of the Bologna ProcessThe Confederation of EU Rectors’ Conferences and Association of European Universities where invited by the European Union's Ministers to be part of the steering follow-up group of the Bologna Declaration (cf. work plan 1999-2001). They offered to jointly organise what became the Convention of European Higher Education Institutions, held in Salamanca, Spain, at the end of March 2001. This convention was also the opportunity for the formal constitution of the European University Association (EUA), a merger of the two organisations. More...
19 novembre 2016

EHEA - Consultative members - European University Association (EUA)

Logo of the Bologna ProcessThe European University Association is a consultative member of the Bologna Follow-Up Group.
The European University Association (EUA) is the representative organisation of universities and national rectors’ conferences in 47 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. Thanks to its interaction with a range of other European and international organisations EUA ensures that the independent voice of European universities is heard, wherever decisions are being taken that will impact on their activities. More...
19 novembre 2016

EHEA - Consultative members - ESU - Peer Assessment of Student Centred Learning (PASCL) Project

Logo of the Bologna ProcessThe Peer Assessment of Student Centred Learning (PASCL) Project aims to assist in implementing sound student-centred learning (SCL) strategies and approaches at institutional level and to foster a culture of SCL in higher education institutions across Europe.
The PASCL project organized of a long series of annual events on Student-Centered Learning, which contributed to the necessary shift in bringing more visibility to the implementation of SCL and importance of the teaching mission of HEI in general. More...
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