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17 novembre 2016

GRALE III monitoring survey data for research purposes

The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) is pleased to avail data on the third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE III) to scholars and practitioners for research purposes. It hopes these data will prove useful in furthering our collective understanding of adult learning and education. More...

17 novembre 2016

Un guide pour le maintien dans l'emploi des personnes handicapées dans la métallurgie'observatoire de la métallurgie a publié en septembre 2016, un guide pour l'insertion et le maintien dans l'emploi des personnes en situation de handicap dans le secteur de la métallurgie.
Ce guide thématique, organisé en fiches pratiques, permet d’informer et sensibiliser les différents acteurs sur le handicap dans la branche.
Consulter le guide. Voir l'article...

17 novembre 2016

Transition écologique et énergétique : un kit pour accompagner les transitions professionnelles transition écologique et énergétique est susceptible de modifier substantiellement les modèles économiques et concerne potentiellement tous les secteurs et presque tous les métiers. Elle modifie notablement le paysage des compétences professionnelles.
Télécharger le kit. Voir l'article...

16 novembre 2016

Student loans, indebtedness, and financial literacy in the United States

The 2016 edition of the National Financial Capability Study (NFCS) presents the results of the third wave of data collection since the study was first released in 2009. It provides new information while helping us to understand the changes that have occurred over this time. More...

16 novembre 2016

Challenging the Privatised University (Advocate 23 03)

By Ian Dobson. Today’s universities are defined by their commitment to neoliberal logics (an oxymoron, I know), with CEOs at the helm on salaries of $1 million or more, and military, pharmaceutical, biotech and fossil fuel industries driving commercial research agendas. At the privatised university – or ‘edu-factory’, as I sometimes think of it – degrees and research are products for sale; students are consumers, and academics are entrepreneurs and service providers. More...

16 novembre 2016

Plebiscite & Referendum: Paving the road to hate speech (Advocate 23 03)

By Celeste Liddle. Over the past few months, the discussion regarding the Government’s push to hold a plebiscite on same sex marriage has been raging. While it looks like common sense will prevail with the Labor Party deciding to block the bill, watching the conversation unfold has been somewhat reminiscent of the Government’s campaign for Constitutional Recognition, despite the two being incredibly different causes. More...

16 novembre 2016

National Council condemns CDP (Advocate 23 03)

By Celeste Liddle. NTEU National Council 2016 voted unanimously to condemn the Federal Government’s regional and remote ‘work for the dole’ scheme – the Community Development Program (CDP) – on the basis that it is an exploitative and racially discriminatory program. More...

16 novembre 2016

Survey reveals staff insecurity (Advocate 23 03)

By Celeste Liddle. In a recent NTEU survey, well over half of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander higher education staff reported that they are concerned about job security. Consequently, they are worried about financial security, the capacity to undertake further study, and attend to community/cultural business. More...

16 novembre 2016

LNP election dog whistling a distraction from policy failings (Advocate 23 03)

By Andrew MacDonald. The Turnbull Government proved desperate to avoid talking about its funding cut and fee hike plans for higher education during the 2016 election campaign. That reluctance to discuss the sector, however, did not extend to attempted smears on one of its high profile figures. More...

16 novembre 2016

Pauline Pantsdown. I don't like it! (Advocate 23 03)

By Andrew MacDonald. To many, Simon Hunt is probably better known as Pauline Pantsdown. The NTEU member, lecturer, performer and activist stepped into the mainstream media spotlight in the late 90s, when his parody character and pop song I Don’t Like It, featuring cut-up sound bites of Pauline Hanson’s not-so-dulcet tones, struck a chord in the national psyche. More...

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