Now I live and breathe MOOCs and coding and I’m loving it! It all started when my brother approached me to ask if I’d be interested in setting up a web based resource based around e-learning. More...
Technology For All: the BBC Micro:bit
Earlier this year I was at a big education technology conference. One of the exhibits stuck in my mind. An enthusiastic demonstrator was showing the power of next generation interactive whiteboard technology. This is a complex piece of kit combining exciting soft- and hardware innovations. It looked resoundingly like it belonged in the future. Well, that was until you noticed that he was teaching the class how to do hand-writing. More...
Fast track Call for Thematic Papers - ICDE MOOCs4D II
The MOOCs4D II track in the 26th ICDE World Conference in South Africa will explore “the potential of MOOCs as a transformative lever for promoting education as a global common good”, in developing economies, and in particular Africa, and as a possible platform for South-South-North collaboration. More...
Open Education UK update
The Association for Learning technology (ALT) is the UK's leading membership organisation for the use of technology in education.
This blog post is a quick update on the activities of their Special Interest Group (SIG) for Open Education on behalf of the commitee. More...
Design for Learning in Practice
Competencies, training, certification, processes, users, methods and tools. More...
JTEL, Federica and EMMA Summer School 2015
This is the online community of the JTEL, Federica and EMMA Summer School 2015 that will take place in Ischia, Italy, on July 6th-10th. More...
Gender equalities in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math)
Gender equality in STEM aims and exchanging ideas and opinions about how to promote and support equality in Science, Technology and Mathematics related choice of careers. More...
Startup Europe - MOOCs for web talent network
Find here all you need to know about MOOCs for web talent. Part of Startup Europe and supported by DG CONNECT. More...
Learning Design & METIS
Previous research has shown the benefits of Learning Design in the educational context, as well as the need of the development of specific tools and resources for this purpose. More...
Quality and relevance of learning
Opening up the debate on making learning more interactive and connected through digital means, responding to learners' individual needs and goals. More...