The Higher Education Policy Institute has published a new analysis of the biggest university pension scheme, the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS). More...
Why banning students with below 3Ds from having a student loan may not be deliverable in practice
There is a clear precedent for this. Sir David Eccles, the Minister of Education, told the House of Commons in July 1960, ‘we accept the Committee’s recommendation that awards should be given to all students admitted to degree courses at universities who have two G.C.E. passes at “A” level or the equivalent’. More...
State of Higher Ed LMS Market for US and Canada: 2018 Year-End Edition
By Phil Hill. This is the eleventh year I have shared the LMS market share graphic, commonly known as the squid graphic, for US and Canadian higher education. This past year we at e-Literate shifted our LMS Market Analysis reports from Spring / Fall to Mid-Year / End-of-Year to better allow analysis of entire years. More...
Insight into Community College Students and Challenges of Online Education
By Phil Hill. Inside Higher Ed reported today on a new survey report on community colleges and challenges that students face. More...
D2L: Continuing emphasis on services and completion of move to SaaS model
By Phil Hill. In last week's post on Blackboard, I shared the roughly linear progression of migration of the Learn LMS to a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model - a move that we believe is more important than is the Learn Ultra user experience. More...
Why Higher Ed Hypes: The MOOC Example
By Michael Feldstein. My last post was called "Is Ed Tech Hype in Remission?" It was about—surprise!—the interesting phenomenon of ed tech hype seemingly fading for the moment. I started the post by apparently breaking a little news. More...
Is Ed Tech Hype in Remission?
By Michael Feldstein. Last Wednesday, there was an announcement about an investment in Civitas Learning that appeared to escape the notice of the educational press. Even EdSurge and Education Dive, which are both pretty good about covering the investment side of ed tech, seem to have missed it. More...
EEP News: Carnegie Mellon and Duke Lower Barriers to Conducting Educational Research
By Michael Feldstein. Carnegie Mellon and Duke are theoretically peers. To use one very imperfect measure, they are both ranked in the top 25 national universities by US News and World Report. They are both more specifically ranked in the top 15 such schools for undergraduate teaching. More...