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28 janvier 2020

Convergence or Divergence?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Convergence or Divergence?
You should probably have a look at this post if you're interested in the business or commercial aspects of online learning. Essentially, the suggestion is that enterprises we had always thought of as conjoined - product development, say, and customer service - are actually very different enterprises. Fair enough, and I think that some of the functions in online learning (teaching and testing, say) could also be diverged. I talked about that in 1998. But I think readers of this post should also be cautious. There's some good thinking here, but it is buried in a sea of bafflegab (because what Hagel really wants you to do is buy his report). There's no need for this. Hagel is describing commerce which is both convergent (it brings things from multiple sources together) and divergent (innovation, production, transportation, marketing and sales are handled by different entities). More...

28 janvier 2020

Messy Learning OK. Messy Training Not OK

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Messy Learning OK. Messy Training Not OK.
Interesting summary of some thoughts resulting from my talk in San Jose (if you had trouble with the audio, it's now accessible, sorry about that). Cammy Bean writes, "As Janet wrote in the comments to her own post, attendees were saying of the un-conference format that 'structure' and 'objectives' were needed. Is a messy training program just one in which the presenter is clearly not organized? The agenda not fully thought out?" My feeling is that some trainers attended the conference expecting, well, training. If they had approached it differently (or been bopped on the head, which I took as my function at the conference) they could have broken out of that frame, and maybe learned something. More...

28 janvier 2020

Overdrive: That Classroom Blogging Grail, and How Teaching and Grading Obstruct It

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Overdrive: That Classroom Blogging Grail, and How Teaching and Grading Obstruct It
Oh goodness yes: "Anybody who's taught high school English should know why most students hate to write in schools. It's because they're taught to write badly." And even more to the point: "If I assigned any of you to write about ideas that aren't self-selected, in forms that aren't self-expressive, for an over-worked audience of one that puts two or three words, random red hieroglyphs, and a permanently-branded number into a ledger that threatens to determine your fate, face it: you would learn to hate writing (and school) too." I want to teach writing some time. I used to teach writing (it was a class called 'Critical Thinking' but I kind of repurposed the content, focusing on helping students pass their other classes rather than forcing them to pass mine). More...

28 janvier 2020

MOCSL Tools and Focusing On User Empowerment

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. MOCSL Tools and Focusing On User Empowerment
Continuing coverage of the OpenEd Conference. He notes his regret that the Making Open Content Support Learning (MOCSL) project is not being refunded. "I think these tools and this effort were really promising and important," he writes, "because they focus on individual learner empowerment in the networked world of OER resources." I took a look at the code - not all of the projects are available yet. I think the effort is worthwhile, though documentation consisting of "run RAKE" leaves a lot to be desired. More...

28 janvier 2020

High Performance Web Sites

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. High Performance Web Sites
I am always interested in loading web pages more quickly, and Yahoo is certainly a good model to learn from. Video presentation (which is a bit annoying; I really prefer to scan and zero in to things I want to look at). Also a good chance to look at Yahoo's new video service. Better than YouTube and Google. More...

28 janvier 2020

Are We Digitising Into Silos?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Are We Digitising Into Silos?
So here's the question: when open content activists sneak into the British Library and start photographing these old (and now public domain) texts, in contravention of the Library's deal with Microsoft to create a private archive, is it piracy? Does David Wiley have any comment on how we are going to ensure open access to these public domain resources now that they have been commercialized. More...

28 janvier 2020

Five Reasons

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Five Reasons
I agree with the general criticisms of the mobile web - and especially the ones concerning advertising and cost. If commercial companies charged less than ten dollars a day for 50 cents worth of bandwidth, people would be less hostile to commercial wireless web access. Note that though I usually post the entire title of the articles I cite, I didn't care for the language used for this one. More...

28 janvier 2020

Becta's Process for Giving New Shape to the E-Strategy for Education in England

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Becta's Process for Giving New Shape to the E-Strategy for Education in England
Seb Schmoller links to this publication from Becta describing the series of policy seminars that will be held by the organization. The process asks, "What are learner needs" and "what are employer needs" before asking how the system will need to change. What I wonder is, why do employers get a special crack at this? Many people - and not just employers - have a stake in the outcome of the educational services: police, who have to maintain order; medical professionals, who have to see to their health; service clubs and NGOs, who depend on them for funding and volunteer support; and more - the list goes on. More...

28 janvier 2020

E-Learning 2.0 in Development

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. E-Learning 2.0 in Development
Audio from my talk this week is now available (just click on the [Audio] link). I hope to have video some time in the future. Also, just for fun, I wrote a scipt that added a back-channel for the conference. People would go here to add a comment, and I displayed the results in large text on the conference screen (you need a special login to display the large screen, because comments show once and only once). You can see the chat archives from my talk and Jay Cross's talk the following day. I am thinking of making this generally available for people to use - it's a very simple system, and all you need to do is display the web page. If anyone wants to use it, let me know. Stephen Downes, Stephen's Web September 28, 2007 [Link] [Tags: , , ]. More...

28 janvier 2020

EduservCETIS 20Sep2007

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. EduservCETIS 20Sep2007
If you are interested in the use of Second Life in online learning, you'll want to access the slides and podcasts from this meeting help a few days ago summarizing the results of four research projects sponsored by Britain's Eduserv Foundation. The projects were: Theatre, Performance, History and Creative Pedagogy: Theatron's Second Life; Learning in Second Life; Modelling4All: Intersecting computer modelling, Web 2.0, and Second Life; and Learning Support in Second Life with Sloodle. More...

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