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5 juin 2019

Visualising OpenLearn Course Listings

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Visualising OpenLearn Course Listings
This is something I've spent some time thinking about - how do you visualize listings of open learning resources. Tony Hirst focuses on open courses (rather than resources generally) but the problem is the same. Readers will appreciate the visualizations of the different approaches. More...
5 juin 2019

How to Develop a Hit Facebook App: 29 Essential Tools and Tutorials

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How to Develop a Hit Facebook App: 29 Essential Tools and Tutorials
I'm hoping the Facebook fad will have come and gone before I get around to writing apps for it (so I won't have to - I do not relish the idea of writing custom code for each hit application as it gets popular). If not: this is where I'll be looking. More...
5 juin 2019

Striving to Encourage Natural Learning at School

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Striving to Encourage Natural Learning at School
Sometimes I hear people say that contemporary edubloggers are not sufficiently aware of the history of pedagogy. Perhaps - but at the same time, today's edubloggers are saying the same thing generations of writers have been saying. Seymour Papert, for example: "The institution of School, with its daily lesson plans, fixed curriculum, standardized tests, and other such paraphernalia tends constantly to reduce learning to a series of technical acts and the teacher to the role of a technician." Of course it doesn't work. More...
5 juin 2019

Embracing the Un-Science of Qualitative Research Part One - Small Sample Sizes Are Super

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Embracing the Un-Science of Qualitative Research Part One - Small Sample Sizes Are Super
Gary Stager mixes a good point in with a bunch of bad ones. The good point is that textbooks are about control - and that's what the textbook industry sells, and it will be very difficult for the school system to give up on this. Yes, the textbook industry is like a Zelig - throw a new technology at it, as Stager says, and they'll turn it into a textbook. Nobody is discounting the size and power of the textbook industry. But it needs to change. Because - contra Stager - it is the textbook publishers, not advocates of free and open content, that promulgate "the flawed premise that education equals access to content". More...
5 juin 2019

Web 2.0 Inefficiency: Crossposting On Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader, Etc.

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Web 2.0 Inefficiency: Crossposting On Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader, Etc.
Now people are talking about Pownce. I have an invitation somewhere, but frankly, I am not interested. Oh, I know, it combines the functionality of twitter with the file sharing. But: "Web 2.0 derides the siloed balkanization of traditional media - yet Web 2.0 doesn't have the wherewithal to figure out that I've now seen the same feed item for the fourteenth time in four different platforms. APIs are great, and Facebook Platform is great, and RSS feeds are great, but the interoperability still seems to be very superficial, more intended to demonstrate the ability to connect rather than to actually enhance the user experience." I'm getting frustrated - all this talk, but vendors still seem to be much more about lock-in than anything else. More...
5 juin 2019

A-List Technology Bloggers: What Are They Good For?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A-List Technology Bloggers: What Are They Good For?
Honestly, the A-List has vanished from my awareness without my even knowing it. It's been ages since I looked at Boing-Boing. Did I ever read Scoble? Meanwhile - my own daily scratchings have probably disappeared from the awareness of many other people. That's a good thing. More...
5 juin 2019

The Real Myers-Briggs Personality Types

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Real Myers-Briggs Personality Types
I've always thought the problem with 'learning styles' lay in how we characterized the learning styles. No wonder we can't find any evidence for them! If we used titles like 'the control freak' and 'the bureaucrat' we would find evidence for them all over the place. More...
5 juin 2019

Following the Letter of the Law

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Following the Letter of the Law
I've been at this privacy and security conference thinking more and more that it's not about privacy, it's about control. Jay Cross writes about a bank that spams him because it insists it has the legal right to do so. Meanwhile, I'm thinking about a telephone company that refused to cancel my cellphone account - and kept charging my credit card - despite my repeated pleas. Larry Korba (see above) today depicted hackers as evil. That's far from the case. That's a huge problem for the security and trust industry - that are actually enabling the bad guys to get away with their crimes. A team reviewed all the Enron emails - I couldn't help thinking, they will make sure that next time the next Enron isn't caught. More...
5 juin 2019

Pseudorandom Thoughts On Privacy, Security and Trust

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Pseudorandom Thoughts On Privacy, Security and Trust
Larry Korba meanders through most of the major isues related to privacy, security and trust. "Attackers never rest. The sophistication of the attacks gets more impressive. 'Kits' are more easily available allowing anyone to break into computing systems without any real understanding. More...
5 juin 2019

Blogging and the Changing Environment of Education and Collaboration

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Christian Long[Edit][Delete]: Blogging and the Changing Environment of Education and Collaboration, think:lab [Edit][Delete] January 20, 2006
Important. "We live in a remarkable world where the Internet has moved from a research experiment to a social curiosity to a frenzy to a normal part of each of our day-to-day existence. In many ways, schools and classrooms are at the center of it all. Computers are tools and in many ways similar to pens and radios and a screwdriver in the fact that they exist simply to help us do things. On the other hand, the raw existence of the Internet is something far more powerful. More...
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