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7 juillet 2019

Foundation Years and Access to HE: An Issue of Maintenance

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"The Augar Panel Report recommends ending public funding for Foundation Years which are part of Level 4-6 qualifications and replacing them with Access to HE courses which are Level 3 qualifications. More...

7 juillet 2019

The State of the Relationship report reveals resilience in the higher education sector in the face of impending change

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"The last year has been anything but steady. From the machinations in Westminster and uncertainty over Brexit, to a Post-18 Review which gave with one hand while threatening to strike with the other. So it is heartening to see resilience and strength in universities’ collaborations with industry. More...

7 juillet 2019

Five reasons for universities to develop their partnerships with industry

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"A lot is (rightly) expected of universities. Most commentators agree that the UK’s universities punch above their weight in terms of rankings, reputation and return on investment. More...

7 juillet 2019

Forget the 2.4% target for research and development spending

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"When higher education policy conversations turn to research, they tend to dwell upon the UK Government’s commitment to increase the share of GDP spent on research and development (R&D) by public and private sources to 2.4% by 2027. More...

7 juillet 2019

Five Challenges to Address During University Strategy Development

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"In a previous article on the HEPI blog we reported one of the results from our University Strategy 2020 research report: 63% of UK universities are due to renew their strategy over next year or the year after. This was based on an analysis of a sample of 52 university strategies. We have since extended this analysis to 155 UK Universities and found that 60% of the entire sector will have a new strategy by 2021. More...

7 juillet 2019

Why Augar’s confusion provides a clear sense of where the TEF should go in the future

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"When considered in the light of these challenges, it becomes clear that the Augar review does not take a consistent position on the TEF. There are two aspects to this. First, the review explicitly welcomes the TEF and, in its definition of low value degree courses in terms of those that offer low graduate premiums, its underlying logic is clearly aligned to the TEF’s focus on employment outcomes. More...

7 juillet 2019

Is students’ well-being what really matters?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"Universities are investing more resources in their students’ well-being. This is right. It is important for student success and is something about which parents worry about a great deal. But when assessing universities – and even ranking them, is it really – that is fundamentally – what matters. More...

7 juillet 2019

How Informed Choices can help support access to competitive universities

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"Recently, the Russell Group launched a new interactive website to host our Informed Choices guide explaining how subject choice at school is important for progression to university. The new website provides personalised information for users, enabling them to see which subjects provide the best preparation for the degrees they are interested in and to test various combinations of A-levels, to see which degrees these open up. More...

7 juillet 2019

The future for Augar is political

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"On the day the Augar report appeared, I said on the radio that it felt like Christmas Day. To a higher education policy wonk, over 200 pages of tightly-argued and long-awaited text on how to reform higher education is a rare but exciting gift. More...

7 juillet 2019

The Augar report and the not-so-missing middle

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "hepi"MillionPlus has been at the forefront of organisations calling for the Level 4 and 5 education space in England to be revived as an outcome of the Augar process and it is pleasing to see this agenda picked up in the report. More...

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