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9 septembre 2019

Summary of a Cmap

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Keri[Edit][Delete]: Summary of a Cmap, Writing for Myself: Writing to Teach [Edit][Delete] October 17, 2006
My own explanation of the relation between blogs and learning, but this concept map has the advantage of representing what might be considered a much more mainstream view. "Blogs are a social tool with the potential to create collaborative communities. Readers comment, and thus, build knowledge on the subject. Readers and writers work together to add to knowledge. More...
9 septembre 2019

The K-12 Online Conference 2006 Agenda

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Various authors[Edit][Delete]: The K-12 Online Conference 2006 Agenda, October 17, 2006
This online conference started yesterday with a pre-recorded keynote by Dave Warlick (to me it's not a keynote unless it's live - but that's just me). It features a number of educational bloggers, mostly (as the title suggests) from the K-12 sector, and mostly from the United States (and not, as one commentator wrote, "top educational bloggers from around the world"). It's kind of like a 'Coming of Age', only presented as a conference. Oh hey wait, it's the same people! Who are - according to themselves - the leading edubloggers. As one person commented today - a 'co-prosperity sphere'. I prefer the term from Jerry Pournelle: the CoDominium. Anyhow - I aggregate more than 300 edubloggers (and leave out just as many again) and try to represent their contributions as fairly as I can in these pages. And that is to me the core of edublogging, not self-styled A-listers. But hey - attend the conference, listen to Warlick and Freedman and Fryer and McIntosh and the rest and judge for yourself. More...
9 septembre 2019

My New Favorite Thing: Anonymous Conference Reporting

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Helen Barrett[Edit][Delete]: EIFE-L Conference 2006, E-Portfolios for Learning [Edit][Delete] October 17, 2006
Helen Barrett writes, "I took the opportunity to create a new graphic that describes a "mash-up" of different Web 2.0 tools that could be combined together for a powerful ePortfolio system, using a variety of online tools that students might already be using". More...
9 septembre 2019

EIFE-L Conference 2006

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Helen Barrett[Edit][Delete]: EIFE-L Conference 2006, E-Portfolios for Learning [Edit][Delete] October 17, 2006
Helen Barrett writes, "I took the opportunity to create a new graphic that describes a "mash-up" of different Web 2.0 tools that could be combined together for a powerful ePortfolio system, using a variety of online tools that students might already be using". More...
9 septembre 2019

Learning Networks and Connective Knowledge - The Podcast

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Stephen Downes[Edit][Delete]: Learning Networks and Connective Knowledge - The Podcast, October 17, 2006
MP3 Audio and PowerPoint Slides (the slides form a nice summary of the paper, if you didn't want to read the paper) from my session at the University of Prince Edward Island yesterday (also Skypecast, but notice came out so late I don't think we had any attendees). I thought it was a good session, not because of the quality of my discourse (in fact, there are some pretty awkward moments in there) but because it shows some of the thinks I need to think more deeply about. It was a pretty good back and forth - Dave Cormier kept saying, "This is great audio." Yeah well I guess it's good to see the points where people disagree with my theories and take apart my presentation. And I suppose it's good to post them on my website. [Tags: ] [Comment]. More...
9 septembre 2019

Vandalism and Violence

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Catharine Munro[Edit][Delete]: Vandalism and Violence, Sydney Morning Herald [Edit][Delete] October 16, 2006
This article has begun making the rounds of the discussion lists. In this semi-literate copy we read, "An informal subcategory of school fights and graffiti-spraying are attracting tens of thousands of users to the site." What is most interesting, I think, is that anyone familiar with YouTube will know that while the videos are of dubious quality, they do not in the main feature vandalism and violence. So why the attacks on YouTube, especially when you can find worse, much worse, watching CSI or Cold Case? So why is the site "impossible to access at public schools" in Australia? If they're going to ban anything from the schools, why not ban commercial media, including the Sydney Morning Herald (I write this as they broadcast a melee at a football game on the morning news). Commercial media are much more demonstrably offensive to our sense of truth and morality. More...
9 septembre 2019

Lessons from the Real World

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Michael R. Nelson[Edit][Delete]: Lessons from the Real World, Terena [Edit][Delete] October 13, 2006
A look at the emerged of Web 2.0 from behind the headlines and the bumper stickers. Covers some of the themes we've seen here, but from a more IBMish perspective (hard to explain that; you'll have to look at it). More...
9 septembre 2019

The Draft NZ Curriculum

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Artichoke[Edit][Delete]: The Draft NZ Curriculum, October 13, 2006
What I want to highlight in this article is the argument that concludes, "We are likely to undervalue the importance, viability and productive power of open systems, open networks and non-proprietary production," cited from James Boyle, who offered it last August. The context here is the New Zealand curriculum review (and its idiculous process of asking for 150 word comments in neat little boxes) but it is a tendency I have seen over and over again, whether it be in the construction of repositories, identification systems, metadata design, and more. More...
9 septembre 2019

Google courting teachers with new tech resource

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Google courting teachers with new tech resource, heyjude [Edit][Delete] October 13, 2006
This itm pulls me back and forth and I'm not sure what the author thinks, but I include it here in any case because of the ferocity of the reaction. She writes, "Google the world, use wikipedia, and scrap the school library for a virtual information locker! Nuts!" Well maybe the libraries are being destroyed, but there's a different sort of ethic at work here - we must be the first librry burners in history to scan all the contents first and make them available to everyone in the world, (hopefully) without charge. More...
9 septembre 2019

Reputation Systems: Some Comments for Designers

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. emint[Edit][Delete]: Reputation Systems: Some Comments for Designers, emint [Edit][Delete] October 13, 2006
A 'reputation system' is a mechanism that weights pots according to their source, where the source is weighted according to a 'reputation' derived from a series of metrics, such as clicks, replies or votes. Reputation systems are no gaining increasing currency in online communities. See Reputation and Social Currency, by Peter Barne. More...
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