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7 septembre 2019

How New York’s Union Square helped shape free speech in the US

The ConversationPublic space is an essential component of democratic cities. Modelled on the agora of ancient Greece, it is a marketplace for the exchange of goods and ideas, a place where public affairs are debated and disputes resolved.
But historically, access was restricted. Famously, the classical agora was open only to the “free-born” and closed to women and slaves. Throughout history, just as access to public space is contentious, so are the rights of citizenship. More...

7 septembre 2019

Pendidikan jasmani sama pentingnya dengan pelajaran lain di sekolah, tapi mengapa kerap dianaktirikan?

The ConversationPendidikan jasmani (penjas) kerap kali dipandang sebagai satu pelajaran pinggiran atau tidak penting dalam kurikulum sekolah. Dan banyak sekolah menengah mengurangi jam pelajaran pendidikan jasmani untuk menambah jam pelajaran yang dianggap “serius” dan “penting”. More...

7 septembre 2019

Akademisi sarankan cara tepat mengajarkan pendidikan seks untuk anak di Indonesia

The ConversationBeberapa akademisi berpendapat tentang bagaimana cara yang tepat mengajarkan pendidikan seks di Indonesia, yang hingga hari ini belum memiliki kurikulum formal di sekolah. More...

7 septembre 2019

How to teach sex education in Indonesia: academics weigh in

The ConversationScholars weigh in on what sex education, which to this day does not have a formal curriculum, should look like for Indonesian schools.
They propose following the World Health Organisation’s guideline for sex education, which can help students understand the many aspects of sexuality and reproductive health. More...

7 septembre 2019

Modern hunter-gatherer children could tell us how human culture evolved and inspire new ways of teaching

The ConversationWhen Eteni, a 13-month-old baby living in the dense rainforests of Congo, attempts to cut freshly hunted meat with a sharp knife, no one interferes. In fact, Eteni can often be found playing with sharp tools and imitating her nine-year-old aunt, Bwaka, who is already efficient at digging wild yams and cutting bush meat with her machete. More...

7 septembre 2019

1 in 5 college students takes math courses that repeat what they already know

The ConversationAlthough going to college offers the promise of engaging with new ideas and learning new skills, when it comes to math, the experience can sometimes be like high school all over again. More...

7 septembre 2019

Cómo abordar el abandono universitario

The ConversationLa publicación de la edición actualizada del Informe U-Ranking, realizado por la Fundación BBVA y el Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, ha puesto de nuevo el foco sobre el sistema universitario pues, al margen del certero análisis que establece sobre la base de indicadores objetivos, ha incluido en esta ocasión datos sobre un fenómeno complejo y preocupante, como es el del abandono universitario. More...

7 septembre 2019

Universities need to rein in academic air travel and greenhouse gases

The ConversationA recent article on air travel in the journal Science has caused some turbulence in the academic community.
In it, Kim Cobb, a climate scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology, calculated that she had travelled nearly 200,000 kilometres in 2017, mostly to attend conferences. That’s the equivalent of 10 Montréal to Beijing round trips, or five times around the world. More...

7 septembre 2019

Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ legacy lives through women’s prison poetry project

The ConversationAugust 30th is Mary Shelley’s 222nd birthday, an occasion on which to reflect upon the enduring legacy of her 1818 novel, Frankenstein. It’s also a chance to reflect on the ways that scholars feted the book for the 200th anniversary of its publication. More...

7 septembre 2019

The crisis of anti-Black racism in schools persists across generations

The ConversationRecent reports of the schooling experiences of Black students in elementary, middle and high school in Toronto tell a story of negligence and disregard. This disregard includes a lack of access to appropriate reading materials and supportive relationships with teachers and administrators. More...

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