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27 septembre 2019

Are Librarians Totally Obsolete?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Are Librarians Totally Obsolete?
Another one of those articles that leaps to the defense of librarians. It's just not convincing. Many of the arguments are of the "we won't let you" variety - the author points out that not all books are digitized, that online collections require registration, that Google's book search doesn't work, and the like. These, though, are artificial barriers, created by publishers. Librarians - some, at least - collude with the publishers because they think it will keep libraries relevant. It won't. At the first hint that librarians will no longer provide free labour (indexing, sorting, enforcing accessrestrictions) for publishers, they will be disintermediated. Why do you think Blackboard signs deals with publishers? No, librarians, if they want to remain relevant, need to curate digital archives and manage e-print repositiories. There is the idea of a library as a big collection of books and journals you bought from publishers to make available to your staff and students. Many librarians cling to that idea. More...

27 septembre 2019

MyBlogLog - A Proper Community Around Your Weblog and 5 Reasons Why You Would Want to Install It

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. MyBlogLog - A Proper Community Around Your Weblog and 5 Reasons Why You Would Want to Install It
I have a MyBlogLog account. It's here. I've been on it for a few months now. It wants to charge me money for full stats, but I don't want that. It creates a sort of 'community' around my website. It has a sidebar where you can see the pictures of people who visited my website - well, only those visitors who have MyBlogLog accounts. But I don't like putting other sites' (slow) widgets on my web site (because they're slow). Do I use MyBlogLog? Not really. It would be neat if people who visit the site could leave some kind of calling card - that's why I created the referrer system so many years ago. More...

27 septembre 2019

The Egalitarian Nature of Blogging

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Egalitarian Nature of Blogging
Wesley Fryer quotes Scott Mcleod on the ever-emergent of blog list rankings: "I unapologetically admit that I care about my Technorati ranking. Why? Because I'm trying to make change. The bigger audience I have, the more readers I reach directly..." But what if this isn't true? What if the best way to influence people is to give away your ideas and to let other people take ownership of them? What if seeking to increase your ranking actually impairs your ability to communicate, because people become mistrustful of your intentions? There's two things. 'Being heard' is one of them. More...

27 septembre 2019

Blackboard Announces Patent Pledge in Support of Open Source Software

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Blackboard Announces Patent Pledge in Support of Open Source Software
This is the big news today, of course. "The Blackboard Patent Pledge is a promise by the company to never assert its issued or pending course management system software patents against open source software or home-grown course management systems." That's good, though it's pretty clearly a response to the Free Software Foundation's success in getting the Blackboard patent reviewed. better to cut a deal before you don't have anything to protect, hm? And even then, it's not much of a promise. As the Sakai Foundation notes, in its response, "the Sakai Foundation and EDUCAUSE find it difficult to give the wholehearted endorsement we had hoped might be possible. Some of Sakai's commercial partners and valued members of the open source community will not be protected under this pledge." In particular, Blackboard wanted to reserve the right to take action against colleges and universities, something it needs to do, apparently, because of its current case against the Canadian company Desire2Learn. Bottom line? It's a cynical ploy intended to divide its opponents. The appeal should be carried through. The patent should be invalidated. More...

27 septembre 2019

Privacy and Scaffolding

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Privacy and Scaffolding
Today's students, writes Glowgowski, perhaps spurred my fears expressed by their parents and the media, are more concerned about privacy than ever. A good thing, right? Well perhaps - but you can't keep children sheltered forever. "Currently, privacy is a support mechanism that, for whatever reason, the students find comforting and reassuring. Gradually, the need for it will be replaced by the need to have the freedom to create their own networks". More...

27 septembre 2019

Tips for Gaining Adoption of Enterprise 2.0 Technologies

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Tips for Gaining Adoption of Enterprise 2.0 Technologies
Short post but contains sensible advice. In a nutshell: if you are advocating the use of new technologies, use the tools. Demonstrating and working with the tools provides the best evidence that the tools are worth while. More...

27 septembre 2019

2007 PreK-12 Educational Publishing Outlook

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. 2007 PreK-12 Educational Publishing Outlook
Summary of a webinar held yesterday surveying outlooks for educational publishing. Interesting to note Leslie Wilson's observation that "There is a three year learning curve in instituting one to one computing into schools" and "Students feel more effective, they enjoy schoolwork more... [they] are doing more collaborative activities, more problem solving, they debate and question more, they integrate subjects areas better, and they discuss schoolwork with other students more. Test scores are significantly higher." So? As Gail Pierson says, "The Riverdeep/Houghton-Mifflin vision is that adoptions and larger contracts are requiring the winner to provide a solution that integrates both core curriculum and supplemental content, while also providing pacing calendars, curriculum and lesson planners (with content accessible from the planner), differentiated instruction, single sign-on, flexible print/online content with capabilities to change the lesson sequence and to fragment content, and content accessible from the district portal". More...

27 septembre 2019

Journal of Information Literacy

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Journal of Information Literacy
Another open access journal in our field launches, the Journal of Information Literacy. "Papers on any topic related to the practical, technological or philosophical issues raised by the attempt to increase information literacy throughout society are encouraged." Volume 1 Number 1 is now available - no RSS though, I wonder what it is that makes journals so reluctant to use RSS. More...

27 septembre 2019

The Future Begins Now: School 2.0 Manifesto

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Future Begins Now: School 2.0 Manifesto
Christopher D. Sessums begins the process of creating a School 2.0 manifesto, and while I applaud the initiative I caution that such a manifesto would need to be more than just a rehash of Cluetrain. And also, it needs to make sense. "Schools are people," he writes. Well, no, schools are not people. And it's going to have to take into account the balance between the inner world and the outer world. When you say "Learning is a social activity... It is built upon conversations" you are discounting the learning that happens in one's own mind - indeed, are misunderstanding the nature of learning itself, which is the development of new neural structures. Maybe he means to say, "The best learning is social..." but now we are in rather tenuous territory. More...

27 septembre 2019

Building a Library Web Site On the Pillars of Web 2.0

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Building a Library Web Site On the Pillars of Web 2.0
The pillars are pretty much gospel these days, though I have to admit that I'm a little iffy on number 3. Perpetual beta. Me, I want software that works, not explanations for why it doesn't (and I get enough email about my site to know other people feel that way too, even about noncommercial web sites). The question not is whether these are all the pillars, or whether there are more. And do we need them all? Who added "rich user experience" to Web 2.0. More...

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