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14 novembre 2019

Trying Out Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for M-Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Trying Out Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for M-Learning
I've long wanted to be able to map routes and mix them with photos - as described in this post. I use the gmap-pedometer to plot my route, but can't add pictures to that. What I want to get one day (maybe I can convince NRC to pay for it) is this GPS-enabled system described by Leonard Low - which would allow me to embed GPS information into the photo itself. And while my camera is automatically creating metadata for me, I want it to record my name and website - and it would be nice to embed a short audio clip (which could be translated to text) by way of description. More...

14 novembre 2019

The King Is Dead - Long Live the King

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The King Is Dead - Long Live the King
Could some of the things we've been saying here be beginning to inform corporate e-learning? Mark Berthelemy writes, "For most (corporate) consumers of elearning, content means self-study modules, that sit in some sort of delivery system. In academic and formal education settings e-learning has a completely different connotation - involving collaboration, assessment, eportfolios etc - which is beginning to filter into the corporate space, but very slowly". More...

14 novembre 2019

Clive's Columns

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Clive's Columns
Looking at the lists of technology collected by Jane Hart, Clive Shepherd writes that he is "swimming against the tide with [his] love of huge, complex, expensive desktop tools." Still, he reasons, they should be used. Thus the production of Clive's Columns, a Creative Commons licensed text containing 33 of his columns on e-larning and blended learning. More...

14 novembre 2019

An Ontology and a Software Framework for Competency Modeling and Management

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. An Ontology and a Software Framework for Competency Modeling and Management
While we have been talking about web 2.0 and personal learning environments, the educational technology standards community has been forging ahead in its own direction, now working on the development of specifications to define competences. "Acquiring new competencies is the central goal of any education or knowledge management process," writes Gilbert Paquette as he presents "an ontology for designing competency-based learning and knowledge management applications." My own feeling is that learning is not reducible to sets of competences, that the whole is, indeed, greater than the sum of the parts. More...

14 novembre 2019

Which World for 3D Webbing?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Which World for 3D Webbing?
I talked with someone from Sun about their own (Java based) 3D world servers. Meanwhile, this article also mentions Open Croquet and Multiverse. We are still a long way away from this being a useful technology but there's a lot of work being done in a lot of places. More...

14 novembre 2019

Has Blackboard Filed Another Patent Suit?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Has Blackboard Filed Another Patent Suit?
We reported in these pages last July when Blackboard announced its plagiarism detection service. I wrote, "Blackboard does not even blush when it claims that 'SafeAssign is a unique plagiarism prevention service because student and/or faculty papers are included,'" mentioning the oft-cited TurnItIn. Well now the other shoe has dropped. More...

14 novembre 2019

Privileged Peer Review - Whose Opinion Counts?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Privileged Peer Review - Whose Opinion Counts?
George Siemens responds to concerns that his work, including his book on connectivism, has not been peer reviewed. My own response is similar to his: peer review is not the only way of ensuring quality, and it's not even a good way of ensuring quality. It takes too long and the process is conducted in secret. And there's no reason to believe that a small group of experts can assess quality any better - and more fairly - than an open and public assessment by anyone who cares to read the item in question. More...

14 novembre 2019

Ideas to Shake Up Publishing

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Ideas to Shake Up Publishing
University publishers look at the challenges of publishing online - but they cannot get past the idea that they have to sell books, nor can they look beyond the infrastructure they have developed. "'You have to develop systems for publishing electronically, the kinds of standards you are going to put materials into, you need document designs, you have to have access control systems to let people in [to search and read], and you have to have authoring tools that tag the stuff in certain ways so they can talk to each other,' she said. So each chapter of a book might need a summary, subject tags and so forth - all in ways that are accepted as an industry standard." Who says? Why didn't the authors of the Ithaka study look at the Gutenberg Project? All you need to publish a book online is a plain-text ASCII file. Everything else is upselling. More...

14 novembre 2019

Online Public Consultation On the OECD Ministerial Meeting On the Future of the Internet Economy

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Online Public Consultation On the OECD Ministerial Meeting On the Future of the Internet Economy
According to the email I received, the last time this thing was held it "set out domestic priorities in this area and has guided such policies over the last ten years" (so much for the idea that these policies are set democratically). Anyhow, there's a new one coming up and this time they are asking for input through an online consultation process. I had a quick look at the questionnaire - the questions are open-ended, which means a proper response will take time. Will it be read and respected? Who knows? Money and power tend to have their way with such processes - but if the process is kept open and accountable, then we can at least see these mechanisms at work, and respond appropriately. More...

14 novembre 2019

Having, Being and Higher Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Having, Being and Higher Education
The authors argue, "British higher education is being transformed by marketisation that has accompanied its expansion.... learners and the institutions they attend look only to satisfy a consumer culture." Hard to argue when you read stuff like this: "In September 2007 a full colour booklet is sent to all staff... 'Higher Education is changing - and so must we'. It goes on to warn that 'Competition is increasing'; 'students are becoming more demanding'; and that: 'we need to communicate in a consistent and engaging way'. It presents a new corporate logo, positioning statement and institutional 'core values'." More...

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