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12 février 2018

Guide to the Free Online Scholarship Movement

Guide to the Free Online Scholarship Movement
Freshly revised with corrected links and updated listings, this is the most complete and comprehensive guide on the internet to the terminology, acronyms, initiatives, standards, technologies, and players in the free online scholarship (FOS) movement. More...

12 février 2018

Stop Fixating on the Size of Your Audience

Stop Fixating on the Size of Your Audience
Mark Carrigan, Chronicle of Higher Education, 2018/02/01
"Social media carries risks for scholarship, and many of them hinge upon these popularity metrics," writes Mark Carrigan. "Many scholars seem to think the huge scale of social media means they are talking to a vast undifferentiated public whenever they post anything. In reality, most of the time we are connecting with only the tiniest subset of potential readers." This seems reasonable to me. More...

12 février 2018, 2018/02/01
This is an alpha release of an application that uses blockchain technology to link the data in your various accounts around the internet.  "Most people have dozens of profiles online, many of which include information that is not up to date, resulting in lost time and opportunities. solves this by connecting different websites and apps you use, allowing you to save information to one source, and control how and where your information is used across the web," wrote CEO Nick Macario by email today while announcing their partnership with Dock. More...

12 février 2018

Don’t Let Bad Journalism Get in the Way of a Good Online Education

Don’t Let Bad Journalism Get in the Way of a Good Online Education
Henry Kronk, eLearningInside News, 2018/02/01
I am often critical of traditional media in these pages (a tough sell in the age of fake news on social media) but my scepticism of what I read and view in supposedly trustworthy sources is well founded. This article makes a case. It cites as an example a Vox article from a few days ago that states that " virtual students statistically perform much worse than traditional students" based on a single study from 2015 looking at statistics from only 17 states. Now I'm no fan of charter schools but this report is not credible. It also cites a Wired article that says "online education, which is accessible, affordable and relevant, hasn’t lived up to its promise." This is supported only by a link to a previous Wired article which in turn cites no sources. More...

12 février 2018

The punk rock internet – how DIY ​​rebels ​are working to ​replace the tech giants

The punk rock internet – how DIY ​​rebels ​are working to ​replace the tech giants
John Harris, The Guardian, 2018/02/01
Count me as being among the punk rock rebels on the internet - even though my punk anthem might be something like Walking on Sunshine. As Laura Balkan says, " I want to be able to be in a society where I have control over my information, and other people do as well." And she adds, "Being a woman in technology, you can see how hideously unequal things are and how people building these systems don’t care about anyone other than themselves." The story focuses a lot on the technical means being employed to create  the indienet - distributed data and blockchain, for example - which may or may not work. More...

12 février 2018

Flipped Classroom Research: From “Black Box” to “White Box” Evaluation

Flipped Classroom Research: From “Black Box” to “White Box” Evaluation
Christian Stöhr, Tom Adawi, Education Sciences, 2018/02/01
Some realism: "There are no panaceas in higher education: interventions seldom work everywhere and for everyone." Because of this, according to this editorial, there is a need to shift from 'black box' modes of evaluation, also known as 'realist evaluation. More...

12 février 2018

Observatoire Régional des Métiers Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur (ORM-PACA) - Enseignement supérieur

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "orm-paca"Juillet 2013 - Mémo n° 57
Des pistes pour accompagner la transition formation-emploiLe Mémo n° 57 fait suite à la réalisation par l’ORM d’une évaluation de l’expérimentation ELITE (expérimentation locale pour l’insertion territorialisée des étudiants), portée par l’université d’Aix-Marseille de 2010 à 2012 dans (...). Plus...

12 février 2018

Observatoire Régional des Métiers Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur (ORM-PACA) - CPRDFOP / CPRDFP

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "orm-paca"Septembre 2017
La cartographie des effectifs en formation professionnelle en PACADonnées 2014-2015
Scolaires, apprentis, demandeurs d’emploi… Qui sont ces publics formés et désormais prêts à se porter sur le marché du travail en 2015 ? Quelle a été l’évolution de leurs effectifs au cours de ces quatre dernières années ? (...). Plus...

12 février 2018

Observatoire Régional des Métiers Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur (ORM-PACA) - Politiques de formation

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "orm-paca"Mars 2015
Appui au CrefopEnfin, en tant que centre ressource spécialiste de l’observation de l’emploi et de la formation, l’ORM continuera de venir en appui aux acteurs du Crefop et de participer aux travaux conduits par ses différentes (...). Plus...

12 février 2018

Observatoire Régional des Métiers Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur (ORM-PACA) - Filières de formation

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "orm-paca"Janvier 2017
Mét@for : l’outil régional qui fait le lien entre les métiers et les formationsMét@for est un outil régional qui apporte une vision complète et innovante des liens entre les formations et les métiers en PACA. Par la mise en relation de données issues de la statistique publique, il propose de (...). Plus...

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