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15 février 2018

Laptops in Class are the New Second-Hand Smoke

Laptops in Class are the New Second-Hand Smoke
Paul A. Kirschner, 3-Star Learning Experiences, 2018/01/09

Paul Kirschner's schtick is promoting the idea of compkete focus on learning with no distractions (which he believes cause extraneous cognitive load). More...

15 février 2018

High Quality PBL Framework on the Horizon

High Quality PBL Framework on the Horizon
Ben Lenz, Getting Smart, 2018/01/09
According to this report, "a steering committee of 25 PBL experts and organizations has created a framework called High Quality Project Based Learning, or HQPBL."  The actual framework won't be released until this coming March; in the meantime we have titles like "authenticity", "public project" and "collaboration", among others. More...

15 février 2018

5 AI trends to watch in 2018

5 AI trends to watch in 2018
Ben Lorica, O'Reilly, 2018/01/09
One thing that caught my eye here was the use of the word 'pedagogy' to refer to machine learning. I'm thinking they should maybe have used the term 'machinagogy' or 'aigogy' instead. Anyhow, most of these predictions are of the "current trends will continue" sort. More...

15 février 2018

Student-Centered State Funding: A How-to Guide for State Policymakers

Student-Centered State Funding: A How-to Guide for State Policymakers
Bruce D. Baker, National Education Policy Center, 2018/01/09
What's important here is how the term 'student centered' has been appropriated by agencies advocating for private and charter schooling. This takes place through the use of the term 'student centered funding', which is the idea that the money follows the child, whether the child is educated in a public school, a private school, or by a trio of monkeys playing ukuleles. We find the argument laid out in Student-Centered State Funding: A How-to Guide for State Policymakers, published by the Foundation for Excellence in Education. More...

15 février 2018

Advertising In Schools: This Parent Says It’s Time to Embrace It

Advertising In Schools: This Parent Says It’s Time to Embrace It
Steve Ostler, Blackboard Blog, 2018/01/09
Nothing appears in a corporate blog by accident and so I am left wondering why Blackboard blog is running a post making the case for advertising in schools. More...

15 février 2018
Phil Hill, e-Literate, 2018/01/09
I've had a few people send me emails about Top Hat recently so I've been keeping an eye out for independent reporting on the company. This article looks at the company's business plans (there's another post about Top Hat and open educational resources to follow). More...

15 février 2018

How to Fix Facebook—Before It Fixes Us

How to Fix Facebook—Before It Fixes Us
Roger McNamee, Washington Monthly, 2018/01/08
In a country that just ended net neutrality there is probably zero chance of regulating social networking platforms. That said, the recommendations here are good advice to help us avoid making the same mistakes in education technology. Among the recommendations: "it’s essential to ban digital bots that impersonate humans"; "be transparent about who is behind political and issues-based communication"; "be more transparent about their algorithms"; and "consumers, not the platforms, should own their own data". And more. More...

15 février 2018

Discovery Should Be Delivery: User-Centric Principles for Discovery as a Service

Discovery Should Be Delivery: User-Centric Principles for Discovery as a Service
Lisa Janike Hinchliffe, The Scholarly Kitchen, 2018/01/08
I have a fierce dislike for discovery services that lead me to resources I can't access. That's why on OLDaily I am careful to ensure that if you click on the link, you are taken straight to the resource - no subscription paywalls, no registration or signin, no whitelist-me content blocker. More...

15 février 2018

MOOCS as Accelerators of Social Mobility? A Systematic Review

MOOCS as Accelerators of Social Mobility? A Systematic Review
Karmijn van de Oudeweetering, Orhan Agirdag1, Educational Technology & Society, 2018/01/08
This study shows that "The literature substantiated that there are fewer barriers to MOOCs than to higher education. Still, the remaining barriers seem to specifically hamper access for underprivileged populations." Which is no surprise, really, and goes to show that open access solves only part of the problem of inequity. But do look at the numbers. More...

15 février 2018

The Impacts of Guided Peer-Feedback on Students’ Learning Achievements and Project Outcomes in Science Courses

Creating Interactive E-Books through Learning by Design: The Impacts of Guided Peer-Feedback on Students’ Learning Achievements and Project Outcomes in Science Courses
Gwo-Jen Hwang, Nien-Ting Tu, Xiao-Ming Wang, Educational Technology & Society, 2018/01/08
A couple of things are going on in this article. First is the design of the interactive e-book itself, which serves as an illustration of this approach in learning technology. Second is the assessment of the "quasi-experimental design method" employed in the design of the interactive e-Books. More...
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