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14 juin 2019

Web 2.0 Logo Board and Why

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Mark Oehlert[Edit][Delete]: Web 2.0 Logo Board and Why, E-Clippings [Edit][Delete] September 21, 2006
Mark Oehlert asks, "why do we really have no visible drive in this space to scramble after those dollars with new and exciting products and cutting-edge implementations of new technology that you can try for free for 30 days or for life but at some point you'll pay for the premium features?" Because the education web isn't like that. All this screaming web 2.0 hype is hyperbole, and we all know it. It's not a good thing. We have our innovation in the education space - look at the work around the Personal Learning Environment - but it's open source, not some commercial app with a business plan directed toward IPOs, buyouts, and lawsuits. More...
14 juin 2019

Moodle OCW Module

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Scott Leslie[Edit][Delete]: Moodle OCW Module, EdTechPost [Edit][Delete] September 21, 2006
Looks useful. "OCW MetaMod for Moodle provides instructors and designers with the ability to mark individual resources or activities in a Moodle course as 'shared' (allowing guest viewing) or 'private' (only visible for registered students). Additionally, the MetaMod tags resources and activities as 'C' (copyright) or 'CC' (Creative Commons/Copyright Cleared). More...
14 juin 2019

Future of Learning in a Networked World

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Various authors[Edit][Delete]: Future of Learning in a Networked World, September 21, 2006[
So I travelled to New Zealand, explored Stewart Island, smashed my digital camera in a fall, bought a new one, got sick, struggled with internet kiosks ($2 for 15 minutes) and generally poor internet access, took the Taieri Gorge Railway at Dunedin, NZ, and am now, still very much under the weather, in Christchurch. For another hour maybe; I have a flight to Aukland in a couple of hours. Anyhow. There is a large group of us touring the country, and you can find all their blog posts and movies and photos, etc, here, on this aggregation, a classic example of how the MyGlu service is supposed to run. I have no FTP access, so I'll have to wait to clear out the diagnostic stuff. More...
14 juin 2019

Around the Corner

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Migual Guhlin[Edit][Delete]: Around the Corner, Mousing Around [Edit][Delete] September 13, 2006
I can't even get some people (like Dave Warlick) to acknowledge the argument that file sharing might be ethical and that it might be the publishers who are the the pirates. In the mean time, the extortion continues as a grandmother sits in her sewing room and ponders why she is being threatened with a $100,000 lawsuit for buying a CD off eBay. More...
14 juin 2019

Will Wikipedia Mean the End Of Traditional Encyclopedias?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Unattributed[Edit][Delete]: Will Wikipedia Mean the End Of Traditional Encyclopedias?, Wall Street Journal [Edit][Delete] September 12, 2006
A bit like WWF Smackdown (oh, sorry, WWE now), Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales and Britannica's Dale Hoiberg engage in a back and forth debate on the relative merits of each other's product. "Artificially excluding good people from the process is not the best way to gather accurate knowledge". More...
14 juin 2019

On Commenting and Readerly Voice

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Konrad Glogowski[Edit][Delete]: On Commenting and Readerly Voice, Blog of Proximal Development [Edit][Delete] September 12, 2006
In 1980 I was sent to Austin, texas, for three months of training by Texas Instruments. After completing the self-study course (video and workbook) on MVS/JES3 operations, and the extra course I took on the JES3 Job Control Language (all fascinating stuff, believe me) I took another optional course, 'On the Way Up', on effective communication in the corporate environment. The course advocated the methodology of 'feel - want - willing' - that is, express how something makes you feel, state what you want, and show what you are willing to do in return. It was effective, and it worked (though I wasn't willing to become a worker-drone, and so TI promoted the other three trainees, who had completed one course, with a lower grade than I, because they 'fit in' better, deciding that I was too much of a loose cannon (even then!) to promote). More...
14 juin 2019

Learning in Web 2.0

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Stephen Downes[Edit][Delete]: Learning in Web 2.0, September 12, 2006
So anyhow. Suppose you are in the heart of Africa and you have lost your airline tickets and passport. Do you (a) go straight to the Canadian embassy (assume you are Canadian) and get emergency tranportation home? (b) sit tight and wait for news from the authorities, not taking any risks? Or (c) go on safari?
It's not the sort of question you expect to come up a lot. Nonetheless, I faced it this week. And the winning answer was... c! Yes, I went on safari, came back several days later, and it looks like all will be well and that by this time tomorrow I will be halfway over the Indian Ocean on my way to Perth, and then Sydney. I hope.
In the meantime, I made my way to Cape Town and had a couple of fascinating talks, including this lunchtime talk (8.427 megabytes MP3) at the University of Cape Town. Intended to cover Web 2.0 tools, it went a little off topic (as it was supposed to) and became a look at just what Web 2.0 learning is supposed to be. I have a lot more audio and video, and more, to upload - but it will have to wait for now. [Tags: , , ] [Comment]. More...
14 juin 2019

Employer Investment in Workplace Learning in Canada

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Mark Goldenberg[Edit][Delete]: Employer Investment in Workplace Learning in Canada, CCL / Canadian Policy Research Networks [Edit][Delete] September 15, 2006
I appreciate the efforts of the Canadian Council on Learning to look at workplace learning. However, I wish they had hired somebody who is, you know, in learning, rather than a policy wonk, to write the report. I will be quite critical, and I'm sorry about this, but reports like this really bother me, as they exhibit a policy agenda, but no particular committment toward learning. More...
14 juin 2019

Report: College Costs Squeeze Students

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Mara Rose Williams and Kevin Murphy[Edit][Delete]: Report: College Costs Squeeze Students, Kansas City Star [Edit][Delete] September 15, 2006
A fairly typical report (and one that characterized my very first published article way back in 1980). "According to U.S. Census statistics cited in the report, the nation's college students paid 42 percent more for tuition in 2005 than they paid in 2000. Tuition costs are rising at a rate that far outpaces inflation." Of course, this is "a bogus document concocted by a partisan left-wing group." Yeah. Right. Maybe we should give money to corporations instead? Yeah, that will solve the education shortage. Right? Really? I mean, read on. Am I being dogmatic and annoying? Well, perhaps. But somebody has to be. More...
14 juin 2019

E-learning Gets Legal Lessons in Battle Over Patents

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Sarah Schmidt[Edit][Delete]: E-learning Gets Legal Lessons in Battle Over Patents, Ottawa Citizen [Edit][Delete] September 15, 2006
Cute (though inaccurate) headline. In this article (printed in the Ottawa Citizen, the Hamilton Star, the Windsor Spectator, and the Edmonton Journal (among others, probably) the Blackboard patent is held up for examination and found wanting. WebCT developer Murray Goldberg makes some good points. "I think the reason there is such a fury (at universities) is they perceive Blackboard is patenting something that largely came out of academic institutions, or was significantly molded out of research at academic institutions," Goldberg says. More...
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