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22 juin 2019

Commission invites top experts to shape new research and innovation missions

The European Commission launched a call for experts to join ‘Mission Boards’, which will advise the Commission for the identification and implementation of missions in Horizon Europe, the next EU research and innovation programme. More...

22 juin 2019

The Other 1 Percent - Refugee Students at Higher Education Institutions worldwide, 18-19 June, Berlin

The Global Compact on Refugees, adopted in December 2018, aims to improve international cooperation on refugee issues in order to improve their self-reliance and resilience. Higher education and access to the labour market play an important role in this. However, currently only about one percent of refugees currently have access to higher education worldwideMore...

22 juin 2019

Call for expression of interest: Seconded National Experts for the ERCEA

The European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA) is organising a Call for Expression of Interest for Seconded National Experts, in view of establishing a Reserve List of approximately four candidates for each profile. More...

22 juin 2019

International Conference "Linking Academic Recognition and Quality Assurance“, 22 May, Vilnius, Lithuania

Linking internal and external quality assurance with recognition is still a challenge in the Bologna Process. Recommendations, produced by LIREQA project consortium are addressed to higher education institutions, quality assurance agencies, academic recognition centres, also the networks of stakeholders, proposing concrete measures what should be done to improve the situation. During the conference, we will relate to the already existing tools and the set of LIREQA recommendations in order to promote recognition for the benefit of students. More...

21 juin 2019

TeRRIFICA “Co-creation and Climate Action. How can people have an impact on climate adaptation and mitigation?", 22 May

The Conference is organized by the Science Shop Vechta/Cloppenburg University of Vechta within the framework of the H2020 TeRRIFICA project, whereby eight European institutions work together to foster competence for climate change adaptation and mitigation in different European regions with a specific focus on Responsible Research and Innovation. More...

21 juin 2019

"Studying without Borders – Vote for Europe!"- Joint Initiative of the HRK and the DSW

The initiative "Study without borders. Choose Europe!" („Grenzenlos studieren. Europa wählen!“) Is supported nationwide by universities and state-run non-profit organisations for student affairs in order to point out the importance of political participation. More...

21 juin 2019

OAI 11: “Open Science – its impact and potential as a driver for radical change”, 19-21 June, University of Geneva

OAI meetings are one of the Open Access/Open Science meetings in Europe in the year in which they are held. Their aim is to engage all stakeholders in the scholarly communications chain in debate and discussion around current developments and to identify new development paths and ways to collaborate and share. More...

21 juin 2019

Restitution du thème "Stratégie et organisation" de l'Educathon consacré au déploiement de la réforme de la Licence (Loi ORE)

Screenshot-2018-4-21 Journal de mise en ligne - ESR enseignementsup-recherche gouv frUn an après l'entrée en vigueur de la loi ORE, relative à l'orientation et la réussite des étudiants, qui vise notamment à réduire le taux d'échec en première année à l'université, 150 acteurs de terrain se sont réunis pour deux journées de travail collaboratif et créatif. Il leur a été proposé d'explorer les possibilités offertes par la loi, et sur la base des expériences de chacun, de produire les outils destinés à en faciliter la mise en œuvre par les établissements (pistes de solution, questionnements, procédures, modèles d'organisation, documents types etc.). Quatre thèmes principaux ont été étudiés : Statégie et organisation, Contrat, Dispositif de réussite, Pédagogie, l'ensemble se répartissant en 20 sous-thèmes. Lire ici la restitution du thème "Stratégie et organisation". Plus...
21 juin 2019

Finding a Voice: Perspectives on Language Acquisition

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Anne Pycha[Edit][Delete]: Finding a Voice: Perspectives on Language Acquisition, Brain Connection [Edit][Delete] May 18, 2006
Survey article on language acquisition, written mostly from a Chomskyist perspective. Good overview, with a nice explanation of Chomsky's views on a universal grammar. If you're familiar with language acquisition theory this will add nothing new, but if this is a new area for you this is a good place to start. More...

21 juin 2019

Verisign chooses OpenID

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Boris Mann[Edit][Delete]: Verisign chooses OpenID, B. Mann Consulting [Edit][Delete] May 18, 2006
Boris Mann is "confused" but I find this to be very good news. OpenID is a system that is very similar to my own mIDm, specifically in that it is a distributed identity system - no centralized registry. Mann suggests, "I would follow this up with support for multiple identity protocols - that is, after all, Canter's Law: work with everything. You could have a single identity hosted by VeriSign and accessible via a variety of protocols, from OpenID to DIX to SAML to InfoCard." But no, you can't, not unless you can get the identity client and the service provider to agree to the same set of protocols. More...

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