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24 août 2019

The Imagination Declaration: young Indigenous Australians want to be heard – but will we listen?

The ConversationAt last week’s national Garma Festival, 65 Indigenous and non-Indigenous students from years six to 12 came together for a Youth Forum and wrote their own follow up to 2017’s Uluru Statement from the Heart. They called it the Imagination Declaration. It’s a challenge to the prime minister and education ministers to involve young people – and Indigenous Australians in particular – in making policy about their future. More...

24 août 2019

Ghana needs more efficient spending to fix gaps in education

The ConversationThe Millennium Development Goals were announced to the world in the year 2000. They marked a significant milestone in instituting a goal-based approach towards development. In terms of policies, they have arguably been the most successful in driving the world’s agenda towards global development. More...

24 août 2019

Scholars: Indonesia needs to accommodate students’ passion and protect their freedom

The ConversationIndonesian schools have failed to recognise students’ interest and talents, scholars said in a discussion on education last week. More...

24 août 2019

Curious Kids: how was maths discovered? Who made up the numbers and rules?

The ConversationMany indigenous cultures worked with different time, measurement, and number ideas suited to their needs and had amazing ways of expressing these ideas. But there are some things that are very common, like counting. More...

24 août 2019

A better research funding model for Indonesia: learning from Singapore

The ConversationIn 2019, Indonesia only allocated 0.24% of its GDP or around Rp35.7 trillion (US$2.5 billion) for research. This fund is also spread across 45 government agencies, and only 43.7% of the money is used for pure research and the rest for operations. More...

24 août 2019

A review of Kenya’s universities: what formed them, what’s wrong with them

The ConversationIn many African countries, the demand for higher education has increased tremendously in recent years. In Kenya for instance, universities have expanded more than six-fold in the past 20 years. More...

24 août 2019

Are sports programs closing the gap in Indigenous communities? The evidence is limited

The ConversationThere’s also long been the belief that sport can be used as a lever for improvement in outcomes for Indigenous communities. The 1987 Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, for instance, found that sport and recreation can play a role in the reduction of offending behaviour among Indigenous peoples. More...

24 août 2019

What Amazon’s decision to retrain a third of its employees means for the future of work

The ConversationAmazon’s announcement that it will invest US$700 million to retrain 100,000 employees – a third of its U.S. workforce – in new technologies is the latest reminder that the much-heralded future of work is well underway. More...

24 août 2019

Impor rektor asing: jalan pintas salah arah untuk naikkan kualitas universitas di Indonesia

The ConversationTargetnya ambisius: rektor asing diharapkan bisa menaikkan peringkat universitas negeri masuk jajaran 100 besar universitas terbaik di dunia secara bertahap. Kini data QS World University Ranking menempatkan Universitas Indonesia (UI) pada posisike-292 dan Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) rangking ke-359. More...

24 août 2019

Rekrutmen rektor asing berkaca pada Singapura: Pentingnya bangun ekosistem dan rombak kebijakan riset

The ConversationWalau rencana pemerintah merekrut rektor dari luar negeri untuk menaikkan kualitas universitas disambut dengan kritik, Kantor Staf Kepresidenan telah menyatakan rektor berkelas global itu akan direkrut tahun depan dengan lebih dulu merevisi peraturan syarat menjadi rektor. Untuk percontohan, kebijakan itu akan dimulai di satu atau dua universitas di negeri ini. More...

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