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16 octobre 2019


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Colombia

Photos from Colombia, including this from Villa de Leyva, a small town about four hours north of Bogota. Stephen Downes, Picasa April 23, 2007 [Link] [Tags: ]. More...

16 octobre 2019

Mojiti: Collaborative Annotation of Video Content

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Mojiti: Collaborative Annotation of Video Content
Catherine Howell picks up on this via the discussion of a TED talk (I feel less and less excited about linking to talks from a conference deliberately designed to be too expensive to attend). Mojiti allows you to access online videos from any number of sources, annotate them with scribbling or cartoon voice bubbles, and then post the resulting mash-up to a video site. More...

16 octobre 2019


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. OneDayBlogSilence
Some people have started a campaign to have one day of blog silence April 30 to mark the Virginia Tech shootings. I don't intend to take part. The editorial in today's Globe and Mail explains my reasoning quite nicely: "How common are school-based shootings in the United States? Between 1994 and 1999, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta documented 220 separate incidents, accounting for 253 deaths. Leaving aside summer and holidays, that's nearly one homicidal incident a week over six years at schools". More...

16 octobre 2019

myOpenID Launches Secure Authentication, Helps Prevent Phishing

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. myOpenID Launches Secure Authentication, Helps Prevent Phishing
" now allows its users the ability to use client-side certificates, based on the secure sockets layer (SSL) technology.... Your OpenID is your passport to all websites requiring a username and password. Once you create your own personal OpenID account, you'll never need to go through the registration process again with sites that support OpenID." I intend to support OpenID on this site just as soon as I can write the code. More...

16 octobre 2019

In a World of iPods, Will the CD Go the Way of Vinyl?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. In a World of iPods, Will the CD Go the Way of Vinyl?
The same story about CDs is the one we used to hear about books all the time. You know, the need for an archive, the need for the physical feel of a book, that sort of thing. The other side is that the market for CDs is falling through the basement, and while there remains a market, it is increasingly one for nostalgia buffs only. More...

16 octobre 2019

Complacency and Web 2.0

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Complacency and Web 2.0
Blogger ditched the Atom API and started with their own system. I still can't connect Edu_RSS to Blogger - the Google tech acknowledges it's their issue, but nothing changes. Should we depend on the tech companies to usher the world of Web 2.0? No. Just the opposite. Here is Google's ideal world - no other company necessary. "A lot of good things happened, innovation blossomed, but now we are entering a more pragmatic phase, where the large players like Google and Amazon who distributed the API elixir are taking control back." And people thought my article on why the Semantic Web will fail was unduly pessimistic. More...

16 octobre 2019

Webby Awards Nominees

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Webby Awards Nominees
The 2007 Webby Award nominees have been announced (it's only April! what are they thinking?) and once again I've been overlooked. Well, OK, I guess I'm neither surprised nor disappointed. But something is still amiss when the nominees for 'best political blog' are the Guardian, Mother Jones, Salon and the New York Times. There is no award for 'best educational blog' but given the influence marketing departments have the nominees would probably be Blackboard, Thomson, SAP and Education Week. I am tempted to have my own awards show. I can't give awards to the highest bidder, sorry, so I would have to be random and capricious in my selections. Just like real life. More...

16 octobre 2019

Participative Web: User Created Content

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Participative Web: User Created Content
"This study describes the rapid growth of [User Created Content], its increasing role in worldwide communication and draws out implications for policy. Questions addressed include: What is user-created content? What are its key drivers, its scope and different forms? What are new value chains and business models? What are the extent and form of social, cultural and economic opportunities and impacts? What are associated challenges? Is there a government role and what form could it take?" Longish PDF. More...

16 octobre 2019

Today Was a Beautiful Day in Blacksburg

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Today Was a Beautiful Day in Blacksburg
David Carter-Tod, who I met when I gave a talk in Roanoke in 2001: "There is something intangible that connects us across continents, whether our mutual love for an institution, or a place, or people. We don't all feel this loss the same way, but our fear during those moments, waiting for a phone call, is shared. We know". More...

16 octobre 2019

RSS Is a Gateway Format...

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. RSS Is a Gateway Format...
Brian Lamb narrowly escapes after giving another presentation on distrib uted content networks. "The attendees refrained from pelting us with rocks and garbage, but didn't seem all that into it either." I feel you, Brian. Remember a lot of this is still at the seed-planting stage. The ideas will germinate. For those who weren't there, Brian Lamb provides the audio and presentation wiki. More...

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