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27 mars 2019

Greasemonkey as a Lightweight Intermediary

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Greasemonkey as a Lightweight Intermediary
We're still in the early stages of this, but rapidly approaching a time when websites will be manipulated at will by the browser. This item is a description of Greasemonkey, a Firefox extension that lets you create a JavaScript function that is executed whenever your browser loads a given page; the script loads and displays extra data in from another server. More...

27 mars 2019

Integrating Library Reserves and Course Management Systems: Aleph, RSS, and Sakai

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Integrating Library Reserves and Course Management Systems: Aleph, RSS, and Sakai
This is pretty neat - a presentation describing the use of RSS to display library course reserves through CTools, the Sakai-based course management system (Sakai is an open source learning management system). More...

27 mars 2019


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. EVDB
EVDB is a calendaring service that supports RSS feeds of custom calendars. The beta launched today. As the website says, EVDB "helps people find relevant events and share their discoveries with others. We're building a worldwide repository of event and venue data that the whole world can use. More...

27 mars 2019

Social Literacies: Some Observations About Writing and Wikis

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Social Literacies: Some Observations About Writing and Wikis
Short item observing, correctly, that "writing is being treated more and more as a visual entity. No longer is the unbroken, uniform, left to right flow of text the norm. Instead, in the new media especially, text plays a secondary role to images, meandering around them..." The author then considers the question of how people comprehend such writing, especially when, as in a wiki, it is written by multiple authors. More...

27 mars 2019

Laying the Newspaper Gently Down to Die

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Laying the Newspaper Gently Down to Die
Newspapers are still as profitable as ever. That, though, is part of the problem facing the industry; as the tsunami bears down on it, close enough to feel the foam, it is hard to escape the feeling that all is normal. Jay Rosen notes, "the fact that it's still (highly) profitable is one of the signs of this death." Same for the music industry. More...

27 mars 2019

Centered Communication: Weblogs and Aggregation in the Organisation

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Centered Communication: Weblogs and Aggregation in the Organisation
James Farmer weighs in with a nice post describing how aggregation networks foster communication in social networks such as intranets. The key, argues Farmer - and he is exactly right here, right in an important and subtle way - is that the networks formed through aggregation foster community in a different, and more effective, way that networks formed through structures such as category trees. More...

27 mars 2019

Achieving Success in Internet-Supported Learning in Higher Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Achieving Success in Internet-Supported Learning in Higher Education
The findings of this report may appear obvious, but count the number of institutions that do not meet these criteria for success and you have a good account of the widely reported 'failure' of online learning. More...

27 mars 2019

(My) 7 Guidelines for Effective Corporate e Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. (My) 7 Guidelines for Effective Corporate e Learning
Good set of guidelines which should form at least a framework of a corporate e-learning strategy -- or a corporate learning strategy in general. Know any managers who could use this advice. More...

27 mars 2019

Emerging Perceptions

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Emerging Perceptions
"Those who wish to put serious content on their blogs," writes David Miller, "must trust that it will be recognized as such." And those who wish to see meaningful content in blogs can do little more than to subscribe to it. More...

27 mars 2019

A Learning Blogosphere

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. A Learning Blogosphere
Discussion in two parts. Part 1 follows up on a project to build a distributed learning blogging community in a class last fall, including an interesting series of attempts to actually follow the conversation. Part 2 looks at the long tail phenomenon in class blog posts and looks at ways of improving the balance of participation. More...

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