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7 mai 2019

Merger To Create Major E-Learning Player

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Merger To Create Major E-Learning Player
More on the SumTotal - Pathlore merger. "Combined, Pathlore and SumTotal--which itself was created by the merger of E-learning vendors Docent and Click2Learn in 2004--have combined revenue of about $100 million and 1,500 customers, including several large health-care companies, financial-services firms, manufacturers, and government agencies". More...

7 mai 2019

Two New Developments Point to Loss of OMA DRM Momentum

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Two New Developments Point to Loss of OMA DRM Momentum
This story is more about Microsoft expansion into the mobile phone and mobile computing industry than it is about digital rights management, though the expansion is enabled by a mapping from OMA DRM to XrML (aka MPEG REL). More...

7 mai 2019

What Can Schools Do? Knowledge, Social Identities and the Changing World

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. What Can Schools Do? Knowledge, Social Identities and the Changing World
The author takes note of two enquiries launched by the Australian government. "One is an inquiry into what quality research in universities looks like, and how that can best be measured every year. The second is an inquiry into teacher education and whether it is sufficiently 'evidence-based' and producing competent classroom-ready teachers". More...

7 mai 2019

Ten Things That Will Be Free

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Ten Things That Will Be Free
- Free the Encyclopedia!
- Free the Dictionary!
- Free the Curriculum!
- Free the Music!
- Free the Art!
- Free the File Formats!
- Free the Maps!
- Free the Product Identifiers!
- Free the TV Listings!
- Free the Communities. More...

7 mai 2019

Six Degrees of Who Cares?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Six Degrees of Who Cares?
Yeah, OK, we know that LinkedIn (and Friendster, and Orkut - one wonders why the author has it in for LinkedIn) doesn't really deliver the social nirvana advertised. But does this? "The connections we remember the most are the ones we've made in person where we've exchanged cards and conversation - possibly even emotions and ideas." Cards? I lose cards by the dozen - and always seem to forget my own. More...

7 mai 2019

Understanding the CC License Selection Behavior of Flickr Users

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Understanding the CC License Selection Behavior of Flickr Users
David Wiley advances and supports an interesting theory about Creative Commons license selection by Flickr users: "Proportion of creators choosing the license ∝ Proportion of rights reserved in the license." In other words, the more rights are given away, the fewer people will opt for the license. More...

7 mai 2019

New Tools: Blogs, Podcasts and Virtual Classrooms

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. New Tools: Blogs, Podcasts and Virtual Classrooms
Readers will recall that I featured Bob Sprankle and his class in these pages back in May. Now they've hit the big time, being headlined in this New York Times article. To me, this is the essence of education: "I want to give these kids the tools to say, 'Hey, my voice is important in this world,' This blog helps me do that." Others, though, see value only in testing. More...

7 mai 2019


By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. OpenLaszlo
I spent about an hour this morning touring this site, and my time was well rewarded. Laszlo is a rich and yet intuitive scripting language that allows website authors to create attractive and interactive websites using remote data (such as XML or database contents). More...

7 mai 2019

Merger Mania In and Around eLearning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Merger Mania In and Around eLearning
Most edtech pundits (and not just Elliott Masie) have been predicting convergence in the industry. With three mergers in the space of a few days a new wave is upon us. More...

7 mai 2019

Web 2.0 Checklist 2.0

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Web 2.0 Checklist 2.0
Yesterday afternoon I took part in one of the regular edTech podcasts being aired by the gang from Saskatchewan. During the podcast I mentioned this checklist for Web 2.0 that is being used to evaluate new applications. It's worth spelling out in full (revised for clarity):
- a service should be able to handle structured MicroContent
- the data should be primarily outside; a service should be processing MicroContent and not storing MicroContent
- for each MicroContent Item the user determines the usage license
- a service should have many feeds to which clients can subscribe and which mix and match the processed MicroContent in any way imaginable
- a service should allow its functionality to be integrated in other services
- a service should not only live on the network, but also allow tight integration with the desktop
- a user should not have to create a new identity for each service he or she wishes to use
- a user should be able traverse MicroContent space on the field level and decides for him or her self what is relevant. More...

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