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28 mai 2019

Trends in e-Learning and Virtual Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Trends in e-Learning and Virtual Education
Stephen Downes, Jan 28, 2019, 7 Internacional e-Learning Seminar, Online, via Zoom
I outline a number of major recent technological trends in e-learning and virtual education, including the use of artificial intelligence and learning analytics, blockchain technology for resources and recognition, and virtual and augmented reality for immersive experiences. I draw examples from corporate, university, and elementary education development projects and implementations. These in turn inform the discussion of wider trends in pedagogy and curriculum, including new critical literacies, community network development and management, and personal learning management and support. [Link] [Slides] [Audio]. More...

28 mai 2019

How Little People Can Be Invisible in the Open

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How Little People Can Be Invisible in the Open
Maha Bali, Reflecting Allowed, 2019/01/25
Maha Bali writes, "powerful people’s voices are louder, get heard, used, perpetuated, even when they’ve been influenced by little people" and raises in particular David Wiley's being credited for use of the term "OER-Enabled pedagogy" without any mention of the larger discussion that led to this new terminology. Wiley agrees "she (and many others) are definitely omitted from the discussion here about how the term came to be" and outlines the rather lengthy discussion that led to the new term. I think Mali's experience is quite common. But when it comes up in my own life (and it does, a lot) I say this: "you can change the world, or get credit for it. Not both." So just remember: the people getting the awards and the accolades are almost always not the people who did the work, they're just the ones getting the credit. More...

28 mai 2019

VR and AR: The Art of Immersive Storytelling and Journalism

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. VR and AR: The Art of Immersive Storytelling and Journalism
Emory Craig, Maya Georgieva, EDUCAUSE Review, 2019/01/24
The item was the top listing in the EDUCAUSE most-read and most-watched EDUCAUSE Review blogs and videos in 2018. The bulk of this article is a listing of several immersive storytelling initiatives, including: a Masters project, The Wait, at UC Berkeley; a new Immersive Storytelling & Emerging Technologies (ISET) concentration at Johns Hopkins; the Motion Capture Studio and the XReality Center at The New School in New York City; The Mobile Virtual Reality Lab at Florida International University; and a project called To Be with Hamlet at New York University. We are told that in the future immersive storytelling "will impact a wide range of disciplines". More...

28 mai 2019

Learning vs. Embedment: The Core Problem for 21st Century Learning

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Learning vs. Embedment: The Core Problem for 21st Century Learning
Todd M. Warner, Chief Learning Officer, 2019/01/24
The unusual use of the term 'embedment' caught my attention and the ice cream analogy kept me reading. "While they talk about 'customization,' what they really mean is rearranging the LEGO blocks of their content, inserting your company logo into the PowerPoint presentation and adding a handful of questions that relate to your company. Customization, in their view, is about sprinkling your organizational context on top of their content". More...

28 mai 2019

How Do You Govern Machines That Can Learn? Policymakers Are Trying to Figure That Out

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. How Do You Govern Machines That Can Learn? Policymakers Are Trying to Figure That Out
Steve Lohr, New York Times, 2019/01/24
This article is just the very tip of what is a wider movement to design regulations for artificial intelligence (AI) systems. It reports on a workshop held at MIT as part of an OECD fact-finding project. But as this Metafilter article shows, OECD is hardly alone. Here are some related initiatives:

Mentioned in the comments as well is a paper called Fairness Through Awareness with a deliciously-titled appendix called "A catalog of evils". More...

28 mai 2019

Education Blockchain 50

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Education Blockchain 50
This report is pretty high-level, but it's well-presented and offers a good overview of the state of blockchain in education. The hook is the set of 50 companies identified in an education blockchain market map (pictured). Sectors represented include skills and credential verification, IP, payments, and marketplace. Some examples presented in the article (I've paraphrased from source): Learning Machine, securing credentials on the blockchain; EchoLink, providing information regarding a job candidate’s education, skill and work experience; Larecoin, a cryptocurrency which tokenizes tuition payments, scholarships and student debt; and Orvium, a framework for managing scientific publications. More...

28 mai 2019

Overview of the Proposed Pan-Canadian Trust Framework for SSI

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Overview of the Proposed Pan-Canadian Trust Framework for SSI
Tim Bouma, SSI Meetup, 2019/01/24
SSI stands for 'Self-Soverign Identity' and it's the idea behind a number of related approaches to digital identity, including the framework being developed by the Canadian government and described in this webcast. The core task of such a framework is to describe how we answer three key questions: does the identity correspond to a real person, is that person in fact the one being represented here, and has that person actually consented to the action being performed? These, in turn, are supported by a set of 24 'trusted processes. For more, see the#GCDigitalID VideoFWD50 Conference slide deck, the Consultation deck, the Trusted Process mapping analysis, and the Github repo (still a work in progress). More...

28 mai 2019

Vox Media is acquiring The Coral Project

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Vox Media is acquiring The Coral Project
Sara Fischer, Axios, 2019/01/23
The Coral Project is "provides newsrooms with tools and technology to better manage their commenting sections." It's used by numerous newsrooms, including the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, New York Magazine, Australia's Fairfax Media, and others. This is not the first of Mozilla's open source projects to be spun-off. Last August its Backpack product was transferred to Badgr (itself the end result of a spin-off project involving Concentric Sky). According to the report, Vox will continue to operate Corel as an open source project. More...

28 mai 2019

Online peer assessment to improve students’ learning outcomes and soft skills

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Online peer assessment to improve students’ learning outcomes and soft skills
Daniela Amendola, Cristina Miceli, Italian Journal of Educational Technology, 2019/01/23
14 page PDF. This would seem to be unsurprising: "peer evaluation closely correlates with the grades the teacher assigned." Correlation improves if the number of assessors is increased to three. Also, "other conditions can significantly enhance the correlation between teacher and peer evaluations, such as random selection of assessors and assessees, peer assessment being  voluntary  instead  of  compulsory,  and  peer  raters  being  involved  in  developing  the  rating  criteria." The latter condition makes assessment more like following a recipe - you follow along the criteria and ask whether it was satisfied. More...

28 mai 2019

The Great Google Hangouts Shutdown begins October 2019

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Great Google Hangouts Shutdown begins October 2019
Ron Amadeo, Ars Technica, 2019/01/23
In an announcement yesterday Google laid out the timeframe for shutting down Google Hangouts. To be clear, what's being shut down is the chat system. "Hangouts—which Google has recently retconned to 'Hangouts Classic'—is Google's most popular messaging app of all time. Ars Technica reports, "Hangouts Classic (the popular one) is shutting down. Today, Google announced the shutdown begins October 2019, when the company says it will 'start retiring' Hangouts Classic for GSuite customers. When, precisely, the shutdown happens for consumers is still up in the air. More...

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