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5 juillet 2019

Minor Alternatives to Major Labels; a Crash Course in Free Music Online

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Grant Robertson[Edit][Delete]: Minor Alternatives to Major Labels; a Crash Course in Free Music Online, thedigitalmusicweblog [Edit][Delete] July 14, 2006
When the music publishers come at you again with this argument that says they believe artists should be paid for their work, why not ask them why the artists on these independent sites get much more per song than the artists on iTunes or Napster, and why not ask why these independent artists aren't even given the chance to sell their music via iTunes or Napster. More...

5 juillet 2019

Rice UP Back in Business - But With a Difference

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Barbara Fister[Edit][Delete]: Rice UP Back in Business - But With a Difference, ACRLog [Edit][Delete] July 14, 2006
The Wall Street Journal, The Book Standard and Inside Higher Ed are covering a story out of Rice University to the effect that Rice's University Press will bgin publishing free online books with revenues drawn from a print-on-demand (POD) publishing service. The initiative is tied together with Rice's Connexions authoring system. Because it is acting as a publisher, services such as selecting and editing will be required, which will be part of the costs Rice expects to incur. More...

5 juillet 2019

Google Has No

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Rachel Metz[Edit][Delete]: Google Has No, Wired News [Edit][Delete]Wired news [Edit][Delete] July 13, 2006
AdSense Consulting, which has owned since 1996, has finally given up telling people we are not Google and is selling the domain name - Google, which has meanwhile stomped all over the small company's name, has no comment. The least they could have done is let the company run Adsense Ads. But no, not even that. Meanwhile, in another story, the National Post decided it liked a blog post and simply ran the post in the newspaper without permission or payment. More...

5 juillet 2019

Teacher Professional Development and the Learning Organization

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Christopher D. Sessums[Edit][Delete]: Teacher Professional Development and the Learning Organization, Christopher D. Sessums : Weblog [Edit][Delete] July 13, 2006
This paper asks, "How can the notion of communities of practice support an inquiry stance by teachers?" By an "inquiry stance," he means "examination and reflection on their teaching practices with an eye towards improving or changing them." Communities of practice provide connections to other practitioners, argues the author, and they "provide the cognitive tools - ideas, feedback, models, and concepts - that educators can adopt." Maybe so, but it should be clear there's a lot more to it than this. More...

5 juillet 2019

More on Educational Robotics

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Alfred Thompson[Edit][Delete]: More on Educational Robotics, Computer Science Teacher [Edit][Delete] July 13, 2006
According to Alfred Thompson, "Microsoft announced that they are partnering with Georgia Tech and Bryn Mawr to create a new Institute for Personal Robots in Education. This program is going to deliver robotics technology and curriculum materials for the computer science curriculum." Neat. More...

5 juillet 2019

The Politics of RSS

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Mark Oehlert[Edit][Delete]: The Politics of RSS, E-Clippings [Edit][Delete] July 13, 2006
I don't want to minimize the problems in RSS outlined here by Mark Oehlert (though I will point out that that the problems he describes, framing and spamming, are as old as the internet) but from where I sit they stem more from a misunderstanding of RSS than of any fundamental issue that needs to be fixed. They do not effect me at all, because I have never thought of the feed as some sort of 'broadcast' intended to capture 'market share' which would eventually be 'monetized'. The only thing reading these machine-generated feeds is other machines, and if the owner of one machine is silly enough to pay the owner of another machine for the privilege, that does not change my life, nor am I foolish enough to thing this is any sense revenue lost. More...

5 juillet 2019

Approaching the Political in Citizenship Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Tristan McCowan[Edit][Delete]: Approaching the Political in Citizenship Education, Educate [Edit][Delete] July 13, 2006
This paper appealed to me, offering as it does a lucid and worthwhile comparison between the educational philosophies of Paulo Friere and Bernard Crick as it asks whether political education should be a separate subject, asks about its role in promoting conformity, and considers the dangers of indoctrination and the means of promoting political agency.
I liked the statement of Friere's position: "Contemporary society is seen to be characterized by oppression, whereby the oppressed are prevented from being subjects of history, and become mere objects, determined by other people's intentions and without real agency... that human beings must move towards increasing humanization." With this I certainly agree, though I am less inclined than the author to associate Friere with Rousseau's 'general will' - to be free of oppression is to assert one's own will in one's own way, not to be subsumed under a common will (this, too, is the key difference between my view of online organization, such as communities of practice, and that of various other writers). More...

5 juillet 2019

TED Talks

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Various authors[Edit][Delete]: TED Talks, July 13, 2006
I spent the afternoon listening to these talks (instead of preparing slide decks (bad Stephen, no cookie!)). Al Gore's talk was great ("Put yourself in my position..." he says, to general laughter). Majora Carter's talk was passionate and motivational. And Tony Robbins was a lot more lucid - and correct - than I had anticipated would be the case. More...

5 juillet 2019

Aide à la mobilité pour entrer dans l'enseignement supérieur

Logo cap-métiersLe dispositif d'aide à la mobilité Parcoursup mis en place à la rentrée 2018 est reconduit. Il vise à accompagner les candidats lorsque des contraintes matérielles ne leur permettent pas d'envisager sereinement une mobilité qui leur permettrait de suivre une formation au plus près de leurs projets.
L'aide, fixée à 500 €, est ouverte aux bacheliers bénéficiaires d'une bourse nationale de lycée qui :
  • sont inscrits dans le cadre de Parcoursup 2019
  • et ont accepté une proposition d'admission (OUI ou OUI-SI) pour un vœu confirmé hors de leur académie de résidence.
L'aide est attribuée au regard de la situation globale du candidat et de l'impact matériel et financier que peut avoir la mobilité, notamment en raison de la distance, du coût de la vie et des frais d'installation. Elle est versée par le CROUS en début d'année universitaire. Plus...
5 juillet 2019

Un Guide pratique de la VAE en Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Logo cap-métiersUn Guide pratique de la validation des acquis de l’expérience (VAE) en Nouvelle-Aquitaine présente toutes les étapes d’une démarche de VAE, les dispositifs de financement, les certifications accessibles et le réseau des Points régionaux conseil (PRC) en VAE. Plus...
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