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2 septembre 2019

30 Days of DRM

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Michael Geist[Edit][Delete]: 30 Days of DRM, August 31, 2006

I'm glad to have found this page, because I'm not going to run a Michael Geist link 30 days in a row, no matter how compelling the content (and this is pretty compelling). The 30 Days of DRM series is up to day 13 now. More...

2 septembre 2019

Worst Corporate Use of Email?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. bleckb[Edit][Delete]: Worst Corporate Use of Email?, Kairosnews [Edit][Delete]KairosNews [Edit][Delete] August 31, 2006
OK, everybody is going to line up to slam Radio Shack for this one. Now I'm no fan of Radio Shack, and especially of the company's history of labour relations, but I have to ask this: in what sense is it better to be 'informed of a meeting with the general manager' on Friday to which 'all section Y employees must attend'? Hm? Does having the $1.5 million guy come down and give you the hatchet personally make up for that week of waiting and wondering while you slog away at your $5.50 job. More...

2 septembre 2019

Find Out About Anything... Anywhere

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Leonard Low[Edit][Delete]: Find Out About Anything... Anywhere, Mobile Learning [Edit][Delete] August 30, 2006

It has been a while since one of my thoughts has been called "eerily prophetic..." - in this case, though, it's quite something to see one of my thoughts depicted in picture. "Perhaps one day," writes Leonard Low. More...

2 septembre 2019

Trusted Space - What I Think It Means

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Robert Paterson[Edit][Delete]: Trusted Space - What I Think It Means, August 30, 2006
Sometimes, when I think back on my school days, I think of myself and my friends as having formed, at least for a time, some sort of fellowship as we trekked through common obstacles. Why have the 'teams' at work never felt like that? They don't really mean anything; "Groups are accidents of geography, of conception or of finances." This article explores the different ways people travel together. Maybe not the final word on the subject, but it should offer some insight into the complexities of collaboration and teams. Oh, and I cannot let this post go by without echoing quote from The Hero of a Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell, 1949:
".....The modern hero, the modern individual who dares to heed the call and seek the mansion of that presence with whom it is our whole destiny to be atoned, cannot, indeed must not, wait for his community to cast off its slough of pride, fear, rationalized avarice, and sanctified misunderstanding. 'Live,' Nietzsche says, 'as though the day were here.' It is not society that is to guide and save the creative hero, but precisely the reverse". More...

2 septembre 2019

Grand Theft Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Brian Lamb[Edit][Delete]: Grand Theft Education, Abject learning [Edit][Delete]Abject Learning [Edit][Delete] August 30, 2006
Brian Lamb posts the lion's share of a Harper's article on games and learning. Some interesting thoughts, and this caught my eye: "What we mean by literacy is changing. If you look at books like The Da Vinci Code, a lot of what it does is appropriation-of a painting, or a historical text-and annotation, with this whole cottage industry of providing the footnotes: the TV specials, the books". More...

2 septembre 2019

From Design to Meaning: a Whole New Way of Presenting?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Garr Reynolds[Edit][Delete]: From Design to Meaning: a Whole New Way of Presenting?, Presentation Zen [Edit][Delete] August 30, 2006
I might have just noted and logged this item, as I would usually do, but it resonates so well with the article I wrote this morning I cannot let it pass by. More...

2 septembre 2019

Things You Really Need to Learn

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Stephen Downes[Edit][Delete]: Things You Really Need to Learn, Half an Hour [Edit][Delete] August 30, 2006
Your school will try to teach you facts, which you'll need to pass the test but which are otherwise useless. In passing you may learn some useful skills, like literacy, which you should cultivate. But Guy Kawasaki is right in at least this: schools won't teach you the things you really need to learn in order to be successful, either in business (whether or not you choose to live life as a toady) or in life. Here, then, is my list. This is, in my view, what you need to learn in order to be successful. [Tags: ]. More...

2 septembre 2019

Service civique. Unis Cité Morbihan recherche 44 jeunes

A Lorient, Unis Cité Morbihan recherche des volontaires en service civique pour intervenir, durant 8 mois, sur les thèmes "cinéma et citoyenneté", "jeu citoyen du numérique", "média terre", "les connectés", "voyageurs" et "Inter-généreux/Silver geek". Débutant le 14 octobre, les missions s’adressent à des jeunes de 16 à 25 ans (30 ans pour les personnes en situation de handicap).
Source :

2 septembre 2019

IAE. Coup de projecteur sur la Régie de quartiers de Saint-Brieuc

Entreprise d'insertion, la Régie de quartiers de Saint-Brieuc emploie 32 personnes, habitants des quartiers, qui entretiennent les cages d'escaliers et les parties communes des 141 immeubles pour le compte du bailleur social HLM Terre et Baie Habitat. La Régie travaille également pour le compte de la Ville (nettoyage des espaces verts), réalise l'entretien des bureaux de diverses structures (association Le Cercle, les Compagnons bâtisseurs, Bonjour Minuit...) et des déménagements pour des particuliers en difficulté sociale.
Source :

2 septembre 2019

Politique emploi. Pôle emploi renforce son appui aux entreprises

Afin de lutter contre les emplois non pourvus, phénomène qui freine l'activité économique et le recul du chômage, Pôle emploi va renforcer de 25 % ses effectifs de conseillers dédiés aux entreprises. Ils devraient être 5 300 au 1er janvier 2020, soit un millier de personnes supplémentaires et volontaires recrutées en interne. Pourquoi un tel besoin ?
Source :

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