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Formation Continue du Supérieur

23 septembre 2019

Growth is taking a dangerous downward turn

For over 18 months, since the outbreak of trade hostilities, growth has been weakening, slowly but surely. In May 2018 the OECD, along with other organisations, was predicting global growth of around 4% for 2019, whereas our current forecasts are for growth of below 3%. In the first half of 2018, global investment was increasing at an annualised pace of nearly 5%, and trade over 4%. More...

23 septembre 2019

EUA calls on the European Parliament to defend EU investment in R&I in 2020

At the beginning of the summer, the EU Council adopted its position on the draft budget proposed by the European Commission. The European Parliament is now examining the budget and preparing a resolution for mid-October, ahead of negotiations that are expected to be difficult. More...
23 septembre 2019

UNESCO ICT in Education Prize – Call for nominations 2019

The UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the use of ICT in Education recognises innovative approaches in leveraging new technologies to expand educational and lifelong learning opportunities. This year’s deadline for applications is 31 October, while the award ceremony will be held in March 2020 at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. More...
23 septembre 2019

25 years of the Institutional Evaluation Programme

This year, EUA’s Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP) marks 25 years since its founding. During this time, the Programme has conducted 436 evaluations of higher education institutions in 50 countries worldwide. More...
23 septembre 2019

Take part in the Inclusive Mobility Survey

The consortium of the EPFIME project on “Enhancing a thought-out Policy and Framework on Inclusive Mobility across Europe” has launched the Inclusive Mobility Surveys and invites higher education institutions, students with disabilities and ministries to respond until 30 October 2019. More...
23 septembre 2019

Croatia: VET curricula reform places VET in the spotlight

HomeIn early 2019, the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (ASOO) signed an agreement to implement the project Modernisation of the vocational education and training system, funded through the European Social Fund, with total project value of over EUR 30 million. This initiative is expected to impact significantly quality, relevance and innovation in VET provision through comprehensive redesign of VET curricula in line with identified labour market needs, focus on learning outcomes, work-based learning and updating teaching materials. More...

23 septembre 2019

Germany: the new national continuing education strategy

HomeIn this new continuing training strategy, all strategy partners are pooling their efforts. The overall goal is to establish a new continuing education culture in Germany: more than in the past, continuing education has to be seen as a matter of course and as a lifelong necessity. According to the federal minister for research and education, the new strategy is a milestone for advanced vocational training: continuing education in occupations should be part of working life in the future. More...

22 septembre 2019

Les nouveaux organismes financeurs de la formation professionnelle

L'Union de Recouvrement pour la Sécurité Sociale et les Allocations Familiales (URSSAF) et la Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA) deviendront les uniques organismes collecteurs de la contribution des entreprises au titre de la formation professionnelle. L'URSSAF et la MSA reverseront ensuite la contribution des entreprises à France Compétences. Plus...

22 septembre 2019

La réforme de la formation professionnelle

Le 6 septembre 2018, le texte de la réforme de la formation professionnelle, la loi pour la liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel, a été publié au Journal Officiel. Cette réforme modifie profondément le champ de la formation professionnelle et particulièrement son financement, les modalités du Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) et les missions des différents acteurs de la formation professionnelle. Plus...

22 septembre 2019

L’Université d’hiver de la formation professionnelle : le bilan de l’édition 2019

C’est un rendez-vous incontournable pour les acteurs de la formation professionnelle, tels que les organismes de formation, les partenaires sociaux, les organismes financeurs et les décideurs publics. Cet évènement prend la forme d’ateliers et de conférences thématiques sur les enjeux de la formation professionnelle. La 16ème édition de l’UHFP a eu lieu du 30 janvier au 1er février 2019. Plus...

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