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11 septembre 2018

L’emploi intérimaire baisse légèrement au 2e trimestre 2018

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L’emploi intérimaire diminue légèrement au 2e trimestre 2018 (-0,4 % soit -2 900 intérimaires, après +0,3 % au trimestre précédent soit +2 300). Sur l’ensemble du premier semestre 2018, il se stabilise, après une hausse ininterrompue depuis mi-2014. Au 2e trimestre 2018, le nombre d’intérimaires recule dans l’industrie (-1,9 %, après -1,2 %), stagne dans la construction (-0,1 %, comme au trimestre précédent), ralentit dans le tertiaire (+0,9 %, après +1,9 %) et reste dynamique dans l’agriculture (+6,6 %, après +8,1 %).
Sur un an, tous secteurs confondus, l’intérim augmente de 6,5 %.
En moyenne sur le 2e trimestre 2018, le volume de travail temporaire (mesuré en équivalent emplois à temps plein) s’accroît légèrement (+0,5 %, après +0,0 % au trimestre précédent).

- Dares Indicateurs 2018-041 - L’emploi intérimaire baisse légèrement au 2e trimestre 2018

11 septembre 2018

Coping With Complexity: How Do You Read Other Weblogs?

Coping With Complexity: How Do You Read Other Weblogs?
Beginning with the observation that blogs do not, after all, solve the information glut, the author asks the question: how do you read blogs? The author identifies "three main goals when reading other weblogs: staying updated, following a conversation and problem-solving." The bulk of the discussion relates to the first point, which leads me to question the second a little and the third a lot. More...

11 septembre 2018

Microsoft's Nifty DMCA Use: Lock Out Compatibility?

Microsoft's Nifty DMCA Use: Lock Out Compatibility?
I've covered this before, but this short article is based on the Beta release of Office 2003, and it touches on a favorite complaint of mine: the use of digital rigths management to exclude software competition. As the author explains, in order to access Word documents using Microsoft's new digital rights system, it will be necessary to use Microsoft products. More...

11 septembre 2018

Sizing the Opportunity

Sizing the Opportunity
This interesting survey released by the Sloan Consortium indicates that more than a million and a half students in the U.S. are taking online courses and that, given the choice, students will enroll in online learning. Additionally, questions about the effectiveness of online learning are disapprearing: in the future, the questions will examine how online learning is (or can be) better than traditional learning. More...

11 septembre 2018

Tough Times, Tough Choices

Tough Times, Tough Choices
Because I have talked of a 'budget simulator' on numerous occasions, this item - picked up on elearningpost and elsewhere - caught my eye. And showed me how a learning simulation ought not to work. The idea is that players can simulate the choices needed to balance a state budget. But the 'budget' displayed is appaling, containing only five line items, most of which are vague. More...

11 septembre 2018

iTunes Auction Treads Murky Legal Ground

iTunes Auction Treads Murky Legal Ground
Some tough questions are being raised by George Hotelling, who is selling a song purchased through the Apple iTunes service in an auction on eBay. The question is: does Hotelling have the right to resell something he has bought and paid for? It is a right that people have had historically for all manner of products, including the right to sell used cars, used homes, used books and used CDs. But what if the asset is digital? Vendors today simply assume that the rules of commerce are now going to change. More...

11 septembre 2018

eBay Mutes iTunes Song Auction

eBay Mutes iTunes Song Auction
George Hotelling's song auction, described here yesterday, has been pulled by eBay, which claims that the sale violates its terms of services. More...

11 septembre 2018

Stopping the Clock on College Tuition

Stopping the Clock on College Tuition
I could be wrong, but from where I sit it's a pretty safe bet that this plan is going to crash and burn, costing untold numbers of students their pre-paid tuition. The idea is that you pay for tuition now at today's rates, and receive your education later. More...

11 septembre 2018

Microsoft, City to Build School

Microsoft, City to Build School
Its last partnership with private enterprise, a much-maligned contract with Edison Schools, having failed, the City of Philadelphia is turning now to a partner with deeper pockets: Microsoft. More...

11 septembre 2018

Higher Education Loads up Students With Debt

Higher Education Loads up Students With Debt
More back-to-school related coverage of rising (and by now unreasonable) tuitions. "The average undergraduate debt has increased 66 percent, from $11,400 in 1997 to $18,900 in 2002, the survey found. Students attending graduate school borrowed an extra $31,700, up 51 percent (figures in $US)." And this is about as lame as one can get: "Education is very expensive," said Sandy Baum, an economics professor who is co-author of the Nellie Mae survey. More...

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