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9 novembre 2018

Manage Digital Rights with the OMA

Manage Digital Rights with the OMA
Good overview article on digital rights management as seem through the eyes of the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), the consortium that handles content for mobile devices such as cell (mobile) phones. More...

9 novembre 2018

E-Learning Benchmark Established with Launch of the Institute of Financial Services' KnowledgeBank

E-Learning Benchmark Established with Launch of the Institute of Financial Services' KnowledgeBank
The corporate community is often well ahead of the academic community in the deployment of e-learning technologies, and this announcement is a case in point. What is significant about this item is this: "RetrievalWare enables the retrieval of very specific information by 'slicing-and-dicing' search results using dynamic classification - the ability to mix concepts, terms and expressions across multiple categories to quickly isolate desired information." The key here is the concept of 'dynamic categoization' - the automated sorting of items into categories in real time. More...

9 novembre 2018

Where To Find Great Images For Your Site

Where To Find Great Images For Your Site
Robin Good is recommending FotoSearch, but I have to warn, the photos here cost a fortune (even the 'free' photos have shipping charges, and are free only if you spend a certain amount of money). More...

9 novembre 2018

Contextualized Learning: Empowering Education

Contextualized Learning: Empowering Education
This article identifies three major features that will characterize contextual learning: a greater emphasis on organizational learning; learners that will be increasingly empowered to shape when, where and how they learn; and ways to deliver learning embedded into the job. More...

9 novembre 2018

BSA Explains its Ethos

BSA Explains its Ethos
Referring to Business Software Alliance studies that routinely inflate the cost of file sharing, the BSA VP Bob Kruger argues, "I haven't seen where anyone's pointed out anything about the methodology they disagree with." This despite numerous published complaints about exactly that point. More...

9 novembre 2018

Interaction and Immediacy in Online Learning

Interaction and Immediacy in Online Learning
The authors' key point is that "Interaction alone... is insufficient to create a positive social dynamic in the online classroom." An important mediating element, argue the authors, is "immediacy," which is "the extent to which selected communicative behaviors enhance physical or psychological closeness in interpersonal communication" and "immediacy is both a consequence of interaction and a contributor to it." The implication is that immediacy enhances interaction, but one would be hard pressed to draw this conclusion explicity in this paper. More...

9 novembre 2018

Growing Virtual Communities

Growing Virtual Communities
It is impossible to ignore IRRODL, and the current edition is no exception, containing work on blended learning and interaction. And although the content are well chosen, this issue is a bit choppier than usual. Take, for example, this article. a discussion of the development of online communities, that begins with section Xxxiv. More...

9 novembre 2018

RDF Calendar to Ical

RDF Calendar to Ical
Still on the subject of RSS and calendars... this page is written in Japanese, but there are short summaries in English as well as RDF code. It describes an RDF version of iCalendar (aka iCal), the non-XML calendar format standard. More...

9 novembre 2018

Internet Radio, Without Drudgery

Internet Radio, Without Drudgery
Automatic personalization is the wave of the future. What do I mean by automatic personalization? Well take a look at this article about This is an internet radio station that scans your computer for music files you already own, and then constructs a unique radio station based on that information. More...

9 novembre 2018

News Maps

News Maps
Interesting application that takes top stories linked to by bloggers and sorts them according to their popularity, then displays them as a map on a web page. More...

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