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Formation Continue du Supérieur

4 avril 2019

Educación feminista: en los colegios y las familias aún queda mucho por hacer

The ConversationLa violación múltiple de una joven en las fiestas de San Fermín de 2016, conocido como el caso de La Manada, y la campaña internacional originada en EE.UU., #METOO, han tenido una enorme repercusión social en los últimos tiempos. More...
4 avril 2019

Unrealistic striving for academic excellence has a cost

The ConversationIn my past experience as an academic adviser, it was difficult to explain to a disappointed family why their child did not make an admissions cut-off when the student’s overall high school average was over 80 per cent. More...
4 avril 2019

Subsidized privilege: The real scandal of American universities

The ConversationThe scandal has thrust the troubling inequality of higher education in the U.S. into the spotlight. News media have highlighted how big money donations, sports scholarships, SAT tests and admission consultants can help people game the elite admission system in both legal and illegal ways. More...
4 avril 2019

Breaking up the Old Boys club by elevating women coaches

4 avril 2019

Dog therapy: What I’ve learned overseeing 60 canine campus teams

The ConversationWe offer a weekly drop-in program on Friday afternoons. For students who can’t attend that session, we have therapy dog teams stationed throughout the campus strategically near the coffee shop and in the library at other times. More...
4 avril 2019

I’m an ‘Autism Mom.’ Here’s why Ontario is choosing the wrong path

The ConversationAutism families in Ontario are reeling in the wake of the Doug Ford government’s abrupt shift to fee-for-service, income-geared and limited funding for autism. More...
4 avril 2019

AI in schools — here’s what we need to consider

The ConversationYou may already know that researchers believe AI is likely to predict the onset of diseases in future and that you’re already using AI every day when you search online, use voice commands on your phone or use Google Translate. More...
4 avril 2019

¿Es sexista la lengua española?

The ConversationLas reivindicaciones feministas llenan cada año en estas fechas los titulares de todos los medios de comunicación. Algunas de ellas se centran en la búsqueda de un uso de la lengua más inclusivo, que visibilice a la mujer. Como en todas estas causas, esos giros o cambios en la lengua generan controversia y dan lugar a enzarzadas discusiones acerca de cuán sexista es o no nuestra lengua. More...
4 avril 2019

World Autism Day – let’s allow disability to change our societies for the better

The ConversationBy now, it seems, almost everyone knows a child with autism, has a relative with autism or has seen someone on television like Big Bang Theory who they think have autism. More...
4 avril 2019

To help students overcome setbacks, they need to develop ‘academic buoyancy’

The ConversationAcademic resilience is a person’s ability to respond effectively to long-term academic challenges, such as chronic underachievement. Australian psychologists Andrew Martin and Herbert Marsh proposed that building students’ academic buoyancy is one way to help promote long term resilience. More...
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Formation Continue du Supérieur