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Formation Continue du Supérieur

12 avril 2018

Several consumer products to get 'tagged'

Several consumer products to get 'tagged'
By the end of the year, products are going to begin shipping with radio frequency identification (RFID) tags embedded in them. The chips are ting and can be attached to packages of razors, bottles of shampoo, or clothing. Most of the discussion on RFIDs centers around the commercial applications with some discussion of security. they will also be used in schools to track inventory and resource. More...

12 avril 2018

The Elements of Digital Storytelling

The Elements of Digital Storytelling
This important work offers a thorough analysis of the elements of online interactivity. While it doesn't contain everything it could or should, it is far-reaching and innovative. If you are interested in online communication, don't miss this work. More...

12 avril 2018

Ensuring a Free and Open (Source) Society

Ensuring a Free and Open (Source) Society
Quite simply, "Many governments have come to see proprietary software as a threat to their democratic institutions and have started crafting legislation to meet the challenge." The implications of the use of open source data and processing in a free society are profound. More...

12 avril 2018

The Information Railroad is Coming

The Information Railroad is Coming
You've probably read most of the points in this article before, but the railroad metaphor is compelling and the article is superbly written. Beginning with a closer look at the impact of technology on books and libraries, the author works nicely through an examination on the impact on teaching and the role of the university. More...

12 avril 2018

Voice Interfaces: Assessing the Potential

Voice Interfaces: Assessing the Potential
According to Jakob Nielsen, speech will not replace screens as the medium of choice for most user interfaces. And it won't, if we think of voice interface as consisting of selecting tasks, finding commands, or selecting from lists (think about how much you hate those automated answering systems). More...

12 avril 2018

Voila! Workspot Linux is Instant and Portable Magic

Voila! Workspot Linux is Instant and Portable Magic
I'm not going to spend $US 9.95 a month to try this out, having just spent $Cdn 80 to buy Mandrake Linux (a report is coming soon, never fear). But I think that a tenth of the price this would be a pretty good deal for schools who want to provide necessary experience without the cost of installing software. More...

12 avril 2018

A Radical Rethink

A Radical Rethink
Ignoring the revisionist use of the word "radical," the proposal offered by the Economist to restrict copyright protection to 14 years might nonetheless be the only thing that saves copyright at all. because if copyright legislation is widely ffelt to be ridiculous and draconian by the general public (and the music industry's experience sugegest it is), then maintaining the status quo will result in the end of any protection for content, online or otherwise. More...

12 avril 2018



Still being developed, PhdData intends to be an open and free global registry of doctoral dissertations in progress. More...

12 avril 2018

6 Retailers Plan Venture to Sell Music on the Web

6 Retailers Plan Venture to Sell Music on the Web
This item - which describes plans by six major music store chains to offer in-store CD burning of music downloaded from the net - reminds me of the "publish on demand" schemes pushed on colleges and universities a few years ago? Remember those? I hope you weren't one of the poor ones who invested the bank to obtain data in proprietary format that could be used only for printing on the vendor's machine. More...

12 avril 2018

Elearning in the Netherlands

Elearning in the Netherlands

This brief document provides an overview of e-learning in the Netherlands. Because there is no specific national program, most funding goes directly to schools. More...

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