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13 avril 2018

Beethoven's Message

Beethoven's Message
In a famous demonstration, philosopher G.E. Moore demonstrated the reality of a chair to an audience of sceptics by kicking it across the stage. In a similar manner, this author refuts the nihilism of post-modernism by referring to Beethovin's Ninth Symphony and asserting that there is musical perfection. More...

13 avril 2018

Landmark for Schools

Landmark for Schools
From the website: "This web site is dedicated to the idea that Information will be the raw material that drives the 21st century, and that today's students should be learning to build with information." A rich resource base; as one commentator said today on wwwedu, it "is by far the best website to provide resources for classroom teachers of all ilks. More...

13 avril 2018

Bug Bytes

Bug Bytes
Ah, this is what the internet is all about. This library contains about 40 clips of insect sounds. What grade 3 student could resist? Certainly not me. More...

13 avril 2018

German Patent Office Mediator Wants Copyright Levy on PCs

German Patent Office Mediator Wants Copyright Levy on PCs
If Germany goes ahead with this plan to impose a copyright tax on computers, I have only one question: how do I get my share of the royalties for all the content I've made available over the internet? Oh, that's right: I don't. More...

13 avril 2018

Looking to Profit From Patent

Looking to Profit From Patent

Today's patent shakedown is from a company called Tect central, which claims to own the patent to conducting testing over the internet. More...

13 avril 2018

Intro to an Open Standards Architecture

Intro to an Open Standards Architecture
This is a detailed and complex read, but one that rewards the intrepid as it contains a vision for a much more robust, useful, and interesting world wide web. There are some bits that need refining - why would we place all the content reviews in a shared database, for example, when they could be as easily distributed as content. More...

13 avril 2018

Evaluating Media Characteristics: Using Multimedia to Achieve Learning Outcomes

Evaluating Media Characteristics: Using Multimedia to Achieve Learning Outcomes

Nice short article describing a process and set of rubrics for evaluating the appropriateness of different media for different educational outcomes. More...

13 avril 2018

Introduction to XFML

Introduction to XFML
No this isn't some sort of oddball football league set up by wrestlers. It's an interesting variant on XML that recognizes that there are many ways to describe and categorize objects. As the author writes, XFML "provides a simple format to share classification and indexing data. More...

13 avril 2018

On the Web, It's Easy to Earn Straight A's

On the Web, It's Easy to Earn Straight A's
This is yet another article bemoaning the proliferation of fake credentials over the internet. Like most such phenomena, the transgression isn't new - people have been faking credentials since credentials were invented. The internet just makes it easier. More...

13 avril 2018

Roman Forum Virtually Recreated in California

Roman Forum Virtually Recreated in California
As you read through this item, which depicts the creation of a vitual version of the Roman Forum in 400 AD, think of it this way: within a few years, students will be able to have the same experience in their own classroom, and a few years after that, people will be able to experience it in their living room. I don't think people understand yet what new visual technology will bring. More...

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