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Formation Continue du Supérieur

10 mars 2019

Que faire? (2/4)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Groupe Jean-Pierre Vernant"Définir une stratégie collective pour que l’Université et la recherche sortent du marasme, de la bureaucratisation et de la passivité suppose d’être dotés au préalable d’une représentation correcte du monde [1]. Si l’on se fie à la multiplication des craquements dans le vernis, le modèle de société néolibérale est entré en crise, raison pour laquelle il importe d’analyser cette représentation idéologique et ses effets, en partant de l’exemple français. Plus...

10 mars 2019

Que faire? (3/4)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Groupe Jean-Pierre Vernant"Le néolibéralisme n’est ni une théorie économique ni un libéralisme hypertrophié, mais désigne simultanément une philosophie politique théorisée autour de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un mouvement social-historique amorcé au tournant des années 1980 et une modalité de gouvernement. Il repose sur l’idée que les marchés ne se constituent pas naturellement, par génération spontanée, mais doivent être construits par la mise en concurrence des individus et des structures, ce qui suppose de produire de la différenciation – et donc un accroissement des inégalités. Plus...

10 mars 2019

20th Anniversary Bologna Process

Screenshot-2018-5-3 NewsThe Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, jointly with the Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, under the aegis of the Observatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum, the European University Association (EUA) and the European Students’ Union (ESU), are preparing the celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Bologna Declaration with an academic conference to be held in Bologna, Italy, on 24 and 25 June 2019. More...

10 mars 2019

‘Together, Moving Forward’ New Projects Selected

Screenshot-2018-5-3 NewsThe European Students’ Union launched in 2016 a small grants programme for student-led initiatives working to support newcomers equal access and participation in education and society. Since then, we supported more than 32 valuable projects, shared views with resourceful activists and creative change-makers. More...

10 mars 2019

Student Union of Latvia (LSA) urges the government to increase state scholarships

Screenshot-2018-5-3 NewsCurrently, doctoral students in Latvia receive a scholarship of approximately 114 EUR a month. This amount does not cover living costs and students are forced to look for additional employment opportunities, being unable to focus primarily on their scientific work. More...

10 mars 2019

USI Launches National Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance Campaign

Screenshot-2018-5-3 NewsThe Union of Students in Ireland (USI) launched a Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance (SHAG) campaign in collaboration with the Health Service Executive (HSE). More...

10 mars 2019

ESU co-chairing the first meeting of BFUG Advisory Group on Social Dimension

Screenshot-2018-5-3 NewsThe first meeting of the BFUG (Bologna Follow-Up Group) Advisory Group on Social Dimension took place in late February in Zagreb, Croatia. More...

10 mars 2019

Student Experts in Quality Assurance learn about DEQAR

Screenshot-2018-5-3 NewsDuring the training for future Quality Assurance Student Experts organised by the European Students’ Union (ESU), one of the newest things learned by participants was the existence of the Database of External Quality Assurance Reports (DEQAR). More...

10 mars 2019

Promoting a European dimension to teaching enhancement

Screenshot-2018-5-3 NewsThe EFFECT project produced a feasibility study on how teaching enhancement can be promoted in the most efficient manner at the European level. Launched at the 2019 European Learning & Teaching Forum, it presents and discusses approaches for pedagogic staff development already explored in European higher education institutions and systems. More...

10 mars 2019

REACT: published refugees country briefings & live-webinars

Screenshot-2018-5-3 NewsAs part of the framework of the Erasmus+ project “Refugees and Recognition – Toolkit 2 (REACT)”, five refugee country briefings are currently being finalised. The country briefings will present a systematised overview of the educational systems in Iran, Ethiopia, Somalia, Venezuela and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). More...

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