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21 mars 2018

La fièvre du numérique gagne l’intérim

Emploi Parlons Net, le webzine de l'emploi & du travail (Retour à l'accueil)Indicateur avancé du marché du travail, l'intérim reprend du poil de la bête et se diversifie avec de nouveaux services en ligne.
La re­prise éco­no­mique est bien là, on l’aura compris. Elle se lit notamment dans les chiffres de l'in­té­rim. En 2017, l'em­ploi in­té­ri­maire a pro­gressé de 8,5%, ce qui cor­res­pond à 50 000 em­plois en équi­valent temps plein, selon le ba­ro­mètre Prism'em­ploi éla­boré par la pro­fes­sion. Plus...

21 mars 2018


So much for my morning. Oh well. Amphetadesk is "a free, cross platform, open-sourced, syndicated news aggregator - it obediently sits on your desktop, downloads the latest news that interests you, and displays them in a quick and easy to use (and customizable!) webpage... with thousands of channels available." If you are viewing OLDaily in HTML, you will see an Amphetadesk icon at the bottom. More...

21 mars 2018

KPMG Consulting is Now BearingPoint

KPMG Consulting is Now BearingPoint

First Anderson renamed itselt to Accenture. Then PWC's consulting arm decided to call itself Monday. But the grand-daddy of them all came this week as KPMG Consulting decided to call itself BearingPoint. More...

21 mars 2018

An Updated and Theoretical Rationale for Interaction

An Updated and Theoretical Rationale for Interaction
Interesting paper on interaction that advances the following thesis: "Sufficient levels of deep and meaningful learning can be developed as long as one of the three forms of interaction (student-teacher; student-student; student-content) are at very high levels. The other two may be offered at minimal levels or even eliminated without degrading the educational experience." Of course, to make this work, it is necessary to include among the standard (Moore) list of interactions a "student-content" interaction. More...

21 mars 2018

Interactivity: Another Tack On It (4)

Interactivity: Another Tack On It (4)
Slightly edited version of a post I submitted to George Siemen's ELearningCourse group earlier this week. I wrote this before seeing Terry Anderson's paper (below) but I see that it is relevant to what he has to say. In this article I reassert of the idea that interaction is not equivalent to a change in behaviour. More...

21 mars 2018

The New Literacy

The New Literacy
It may be years before people cease to lament the decline of the literate student (after all, people today still bemoan the fact that students no longer learn Latin and Greek). But lament it we should not, because by avoiding the need to codify knowledge into sentences and seminars students today are acquiring not only different modes of learning, but much more efficient and effective modes of memory and recall. More...

21 mars 2018

How to Send Email

How to Send Email

One of the many reasons for writing your own software is that you discover how to do simple tasks that would otherwise require complicated, sometimes expensive, and usually restrictive software. Sending email is a case in point. More...

21 mars 2018



This is pretty cool. It is an interface to Google that supports date based searching. This means that you can access results that have been added in, say, the last day or the last week. More...

21 mars 2018

Evaluation of Citebase

Evaluation of Citebase
Interesting exercise designed to introduce readers to a Web search service, Citebase, that allows them to find research papers and to display results by selecting different ranking criteria, such as how many times the paper or the author has been cited or browsed. The aim of the exercise is to test how usable and useful readers find this service. More...

21 mars 2018

Do Libraries Really Need Books?

Do Libraries Really Need Books?
Any doubt about the tone of this article is removed in the subtitle: "Controversial projects at some colleges move the printed word out of sight." This is, of course, a ridiculous way to describe the use of electronic texts instead of dead tree products. The article describes, as the title implies, the growing reliance of college libraries on electronic texts - largely at their students' urging. More...

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