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17 avril 2018

Philosophical Implications of New Thought-Imaging Technology

Philosophical Implications of New Thought-Imaging Technology

Justin Weinberg, Daily Nous, 2018/04/03
We have always taken for granted the fact that our thoughts are private. The developments described in this article challenge that idea. " Dan Nemrodov at the University of Toronto-Scarborough is working on a way to use electroencephalography (EEG) and machine learning to digitally reconstruct the images that subjects are seeing. In other words, he is developing a kind of mind reading technology." More here and here. More...

17 avril 2018

In Defense of Design Thinking, Which Is Terrible

In Defense of Design Thinking, Which Is Terrible
jenkinsEar, Metafilter, 2018/04/03
This is a really interesting pair of presentations. In one, mostly a video, Natasha Jen criticizes the idea of design thinking. “Why did we end up with a single medium?" she asks. More...

17 avril 2018

College for all — but not college degrees

College for all — but not college degrees
Joanne Jacobs, Linking and Thinking on Education, 2018/04/03
As always, I am suspicious when reading a Joanne Jacobs column, but this one seems backed by good data and (even more importantly) good intentions. In a nutshell, " More first-generation, low-income students are going to college — but not completing a degree, writes David Leonhardt in the New York Times. More...

17 avril 2018

The Edublogger’s Guide To Podcasting

The Edublogger’s Guide To Podcasting
Kathleen Morris, The Edublogger, 2018/04/03
This guide from Edublogs is for educators and dips into the now-rich history of educational podcasting to create an every-teacher's guide. It's funny how podcasting was all the rage for a while, went out of fashion, and now has returned with a vengeance. No matter: I'm just happy to see it. More...

17 avril 2018

Data-based decision making on students’ mathematical achievement: no effect

Data-based decision making on students’ mathematical achievement: no effect
Jonathan Kantrowitz, Education Research Report, 2018/04/03
Wouldn't it be something if the data showed that there was no effect to be had from using data-driven decision-making (DBDM)  in education? The paper from last June this short post is based on is locked behind a subscription paywall, so there's no way of verifying the report or finding any other nuance in the study (yet another case of why it's so frustrating that people actually publish this way - it's like they don't want to be read). More...

17 avril 2018

Amazon Peer Review: Coming To A Preprint Near You

Amazon Peer Review: Coming To A Preprint Near You
Phil Davis, The Scholarly Kitchen, 2018/04/02
That sound you heard was academic journals everywhere going "uh, oh". They don't need to worry just yet, it's just an April Fools joke. More...

17 avril 2018

Makerspaces : apprendre au contact des autres

Orientation Pays de la LoireDe février à juin 2018, le Cnam Pays de la Loire organise un cycle de conférences à Nantes intitulé "Le goût de l’avenir : apprendre demain". Il vise à s’interroger sur nos façons d’apprendre et sur nos capacités d’agir pour demain. La conférence du 10 avril 2018, qui avait pour objet "À quelles conditions le travail collaboratif favorise-t-il notre capacité à apprendre ?" s’est penchée sur le cas des makerspaces. Plus...

17 avril 2018

Etudes et données > Métiers et compétences

17 avril 2018

Actualités de la certification

Orientation Pays de la LoireAmphi-débat de l’UODC : enjeux et pistes de réussite pour la VAE

À l’occasion d’un Amphi-débat de l’Université ouverte des compétences (UODC) le 13 février 2018, David Rivoire, PDG du groupe VAE les 2 Rives, a défendu "le mécanisme exceptionnel de la VAE, mais constamment ralenti par des lourdeurs administratives et des blocages institutionnels". Plus...

17 avril 2018

monCompte déploie un nouveau service en ligne

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Votre plateforme personnalisée et sécurisée a développé une nouvelle fonctionnalité pour les entreprises ayant souscrit à l’option Confort ou à l’option Performance. L’ensemble des pièces administratives pourront désormais être visualisées…
Saisie en ligne de votre bordereau de collecte, enregistrement de vos Demandes de prise en charge (DPC), suivi de l’état d’avancement de vos dossiers de formation, accès au télépaiement… l’interface monCompte vous facilite la gestion de votre plan de formation et simplifie vos démarches administratives. Plus...

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