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1 juin 2018

Culture et Economie Sociale et Solidaire le 11 mai 2018 à Nancy

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Le Conseil Départemental de Meurthe et Moselle, la CRESS Grand Est et Lorraine Active organisent une Conférence - Débat Culture et Economie Sociale et Solidaire. Plus...

1 juin 2018

Pourquoi l'Ascension est-elle jour férié dans un pays qui se prétend laïque ?

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. L'Ascension est une fête chrétienne qui n'est pas fériée dans des pays pourtant marqués par la chrétienté comme l’Italie, l’Espagne, la Pologne, le Portugal ou la Grande-Bretagne
Mais en France, pays qui revendique haut et fort sa laïcité, c'est un jour férié. Plus...

1 juin 2018

Le bureau du groupe sénatorial sur l'ESS constitué

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiquesAprès la constitution du groupe d'études sénatorial sur l'ESS (voir Au Sénat, le groupe d'études Economie Sociale et Solidaire est constitué) et la désignation de son président (voir Marc Daunis réélu président du groupe d'études sur l'ESS du Sénat), la composition du bureau a été publiée. Plus...

1 juin 2018

A Reality Check on Author Access to Open Access Publishing

A Reality Check on Author Access to Open Access Publishing
Hilda Bastian, PLOS Blogs, Absolutely Maybe, 2018/04/26
I recently wrote an article about critical thinking for educators and I'm thinking that a follow-up on scientific reasoning might be a good idea. The machinations in this email exchange on open access journals is a great case in point. Heather Morrison reports that "73% of fully OA journals (about three quarters) do not charge APCs." In a PLOS blog post Hilda Badtian responds that the 73% represents a disproportionate number of journals that do not publish in English, are not indexed in PubMed, or do not issue DOI for the articles. More...

1 juin 2018

Opportunity or Exploitation?

Opportunity or Exploitation?
Colleen Flaherty, Inside Higher Ed, 2018/04/26
This the sort of innovation that would be classified as "disruptive" were is accompanied with an app and some Silicon Valley VC funding (which may yet happen; don't rule it out). More...

1 juin 2018

Community Standards

Community Standards
This document is being depicted as Facebook's "content moderation standard" but it isn't that. It's a document aimed at users and describes what Facebook is calling its "community standards" but is more like a plain-language version of its terms of service. This is an important distinction because the concept of "community standards" is originally (and still!) a representation of what the community thinks is appropriate, not a service provider. More...

1 juin 2018

How Open Education Can Change the World (Reprise)

How Open Education Can Change the World (Reprise)
Stephen Downes, Apr 26, 2018, Educacion y Technologia en y Para La Diversidad, Medellin, Colombia
I define and explore the application of open education and open educational resources (OER) to peace, reconciliation and development in Colombia. I describe how new technologies have made possible new ways of learning, and how we can work together as a community to teach ourselves, thus allowing each person the voice and opportunity to play a meaningful role in society. This is a more polished version of the talk given in Rionegro. More...

1 juin 2018

The State of Innovation in Higher Education: A Survey of Academic Administrators

The State of Innovation in Higher Education: A Survey of Academic Administrators
Andrew J. Magda, Jill Buban, Online Learning Consortium, The Learning House, Inc., 2018/04/25
I'm not sure administrators are the best people to ask about innovation at educational institutions, and they'll say typical things like "Administrators often discuss a top-down approach — the president and provost setting the tone and directive for innovation at the institution — as creating the most success in innovation" (I find that consultants say this sort of thing as well, maybe because they are marketing their services to administrators). More...

1 juin 2018

Having an audience makes us better at performing

Having an audience makes us better at performing
Jill Rosen-Johns Hopkins, Futurity, 2018/04/24

I think we've generally believe that the headline is true, but it's always nice to be able to back our intuitions with research. The open-access paper being discussed is called Neural substrates of social facilitation effects on incentive-based performance. More...

1 juin 2018

In “EdTech”, “Ed” comes before “Tech”: A National Louis University/Acrobatiq Case Study

In “EdTech”, “Ed” comes before “Tech”: A National Louis University/Acrobatiq Case Study
Michael Feldstein, e-Literate, 2018/04/24
I'm sure that the series this article introduces will be valuable, but my purpose here is to be a bit pedantic, but in so doing, allow me to illustrate the difference between my perspective and Michael Feldsteins. The pedantic point is that you can draw inferences about what ought to be done on the basis of quirks of language. Yes, 'Ed' comes before 'Tech'. But there isn't some 'Tech Ed' which is about the use of technology first in education. Rather, 'Tech Ed' means something completely different. So it means nothing that 'Ed' comes before 'Tech'. More...

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