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4 juin 2018

Aspiring Martian calls for Africa to define its own path

By Stephen Coan. Africa needs to define its own path when it comes to the fourth industrial revolution and look at what technology is appropriate for its societies, according to aspiring Martian and Head of Innovation at software manufacturer SAP Africa Adriana Marais, who is the headline speaker at the South African Technology Network (SATN) international conference later this year. More...
4 juin 2018

Perils of unregulated privatisation in public universities

By Wondwosen Tamrat. While the private higher education sector in Ethiopia continues to be demonised for its commercial motives, the issue of partial privatisation in the public sector has, in general, not received the scholarly attention it deserves. More...
4 juin 2018

30,000 students to benefit from World Bank loan

By Esther Nakkazi. About 30,000 Tanzanian students will benefit from a World Bank US$120 million loan under the five-year Education and Skills for Productive Jobs (ESPJ) project which aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of Tanzania’s skills development system and promote the expansion and quality of skills development opportunities in select economic sectors. More...
4 juin 2018

Commission takes hard line against ‘illegal’ institutions

By Tunde Fatunde. Taking a hard line against 58 institutions – in Nigeria and neighbouring countries – that it considers 'illegal', the National Universities Commission (NUC) of Nigeria recently warned that any certificates obtained from such institutions will not be recognised for the purposes of national youth service, employment or further study. More...
4 juin 2018

Minister proposes extra year for university students

By Tunde Fatunde. In a bid to address the country’s graduate unemployment crisis, students in Nigeria may have to spend an extra year at university to obtain the necessary skills required for the labour market. More...
4 juin 2018

Cabinet approves draft law for technological universities

By Wagdy Sawahel. Egypt’s cabinet has approved a draft law on the establishment of technological universities that will open their doors to students in the next academic year. The legislation is aimed at improving technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and boosting the employability of youth. More...
4 juin 2018

Sociétés sécularisées aux défis des fondamentalismes religieux - 5, 6 et 7 juin 2018, MMSH, amphithéâtre, Aix-en-Provence

Sociétés sécularisées aux défis des fondamentalismes religieux
5, 6 et 7 juin 2018, MMSH, amphithéâtre, Aix-en-Provence
Organisé par Florence Bergeaud-Blackler (IREMAM CNRS/AMU) & Joan Stavo-Debauge (THEMA/UNIL)

L’irruption des groupes et des thèses intégralistes dans des lieux stratégiques de production des normes sociales et épistémiques nécessite une mise au point de nos théories, méthodes et champ de recherche en sociologie et anthropologie des religions pour mieux en saisir les spécificités et les dynamiques propres.
L’objectif de ce colloque est de permettre à des auteurs de plusieurs disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales de faire état de leur recherche et de leur réflexion en mettant en relief la façon dont les groupes et mouvements qu’ils étudient font irruption, s’inscrivent et interagissent avec et dans les sphères politiques, économiques, juridiques, éducatives, académiques, médiatiques etc.
Ce colloque international rassemblera des professeurs et chercheurs des sciences sociales et humaines de Belgique, Canada, France et Suisse, engagés dans des réflexions scientifiques et critiques sur les mouvements intégralistes et/ou fondamentalistes religieux dans les sociétés sécularisées.

Partenariat - Belgique Canada France Suisse
Institut de Recherches et d'Etudes sur les Mondes Arabes et Musulmans (IREMAM) CNRS - Aix Marseille Université (France) ;
Théorie sociale, enquête critique, mediations, action publique (THEMA) de l'Université de Lausanne (Suisse) ;
Laboratoire d’excellence LabexMed 10-LABX-0090, du Programme Investissements d’Avenir, Initiative d’Excellence d’Aix-Marseille Université - A*MIDEX (France) ;
Institut d’ethnologie méditerranéenne, européenne et comparative (IDEMEC) CNRS - Aix Marseille Université (France) ;
Institut de recherche Religions, Spiritualités, Cultures, Sociétés (RSCS) de l'Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgique) ;
Département de Sociologie de la Faculté des Sciences Humaines de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada).
(*) Pour des raisons de sécurité et de nombre limité de places, il est obligatoire de s’inscrire par courrier électronique en envoyant un mail à  dans lequel vous préciserez votre prénom, nom et occupation.

Entrée libre et gratuite sur inscription obligatoire préalable
En savoir plus sur le site du colloque :

Documents joints

4 juin 2018

Government denies ‘silence’ over deadly campus clashes

By Wagdy Sawahel. The Moroccan government, accused by student groups of sponsoring violence, has denied it has been ‘silent’ over the recent deaths of students in university-based clashes as concern mounts over tensions between students with differing political and ideological affiliations. More...
4 juin 2018

Development bank highlights HE role in industrialisation

By Kudzai Mashininga. Africa’s higher education and vocational and technical training sector must be accelerated to prepare for the continent’s impending industrialisation, an area in which the African Development Bank is to invest US$35 billion over the next 10 years. More...
4 juin 2018

Defining an innovative path for Africa in the fourth industrial revolution

By Sharon Dell – Africa Editor. In Africa Features, Stephen Coan interviews aspiring Martian, theoretical physicist and innovation expert Adriana Marais about the role of African universities in the fourth industrial revolution. We also interview a unique team of three academics – a father and his two sons – about their new book on African philosophy of education which draws on some of their experiences in setting up and running a massive open online course at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. From Nigeria, Tunde Fatunde draws out some detail and implications of the latest government crackdown on illegal universities, while Gilbert Nakweya ponders the efficacy of strike action in Kenyan universities as a means to resolve academics’ grievances.
   In Africa Analysis, Wondwosen Tamrat discusses the pressures on universities in Ethiopia to generate income through their course offerings, and some of the pitfalls involved.
   In News from the continent, Wagdy Sawahel covers the recent violence on Moroccan campuses among student political formations, and Kudzai Mashininga reports on the African Development Bank’s latest investment in higher education aimed at industrialisation.
   In world News, Yojana Sharma outlines an Economist Intelligence Unit ranking of countries’ preparedness for an automation revolution; and in World Blog Hans de Wit highlights a growing need for training for university leaders to strengthen their ability to drive internationalisation, which has moved from the margins to the centre of higher education. More...
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