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22 juillet 2018

Free MOOCs Face the Music

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. In its quest to find a sustainable business model, online course provider edX will test charging users for access to previously free content. Observers say the move was inevitable. Massive open online courses got a little less open with edX’s recent announcement that it is introducing support fees for some of its MOOCs. More...

22 juillet 2018

How to Create Successful and sustainable Makerspaces in Low-Income and Rural Schools

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. What if you could offer students in low-income and rural schools a technology-based opportunity to develop the creative genius you know they have? You’d provide a makerspace where students could explore, create, invent, and learn through authentic experiences. More...

22 juillet 2018

Affordable Learning Exchange works to increase access by reducing costly course material: Goal is to save students $10 million

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. The Ohio State University is working to move textbooks off the shelves and online to make learning more affordable and accessible to students. An update on the university’s Affordable Learning Exchange program was presented to the Academic Affairs and Student Life Committee at the June Board of Trustees session on Thursday. More...

22 juillet 2018

Here’s How Higher Education Dies

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Futurist Bryan Alexander says the industry may have nowhere to go but down. What does the slide look like? In the spring of 2013, there were 19,105,651 students enrolled in higher ed; this spring, there were 17,839,330, according to recently released data from the National Center for Education Statistics. More...

22 juillet 2018

eLearning for Refugees: Three Programs Making a Difference

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. On June 20th, the United Nations will mark World Refugee Day. According to the United Nations, over 65 million people worldwide are now living as refugees. Millions of these refugees are children under 18 and many more are people in their late teens to mid-twenties who, under other conditions, would be enrolled in university. To address the growing need for flexible forms of education, eLearning continues to be brought to refugee camps around the world. As we prepare for World Refugee Day 2018, eLearning Inside News takes a look at just some of the organizations currently engaged in offering eLearning for refugees. More...

22 juillet 2018

In the digital age, the standard lecture may not be enough

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. For the time being the traditional lecture format still works for higher education, but as “other organizations can create credentials of equal or greater value, universities, as they are currently structured, are in trouble,” wrote Steven Murphy, the president of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, in a guest post for The Globe and Mail. More...

22 juillet 2018

Bootcamps Go To College

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Rather than viewing bootcamps as a threat, higher education should integrate the bootcamp model into the undergraduate experience to prepare graduates with the combinations of knowledge and skills they will need in their careers and lives. More...

22 juillet 2018

New free online courses launched to help Syrian refugees continue their education

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. The first two in a series of twelve new free online courses to assist refugees affected by conflict in the Middle East start on June 18th. The courses are designed for tens of thousands of young people whose education has been interrupted by wars such as that in Syria, helping to prevent a ‘lost generation’ in the region. More...

22 juillet 2018

Coupe du Monde 2018 : quelle a été la scolarité des Bleus ?

Screenshot-2018-4-18 Toute l'actualité de l'éducation bac, études, emploi - Page n°4 - Orientation EducationTrois jours après leur victoire étincelante lors de la Coupe du Monde 2018, retour sur le parcours… scolaire des Bleus. Pour la plupart des joueurs de foot, les entraînements quotidiens de haut niveau sont difficilement compatibles avec les études. Toutefois, certains ont réussi à décrocher un diplôme, en parallèle de leur carrière sportive. Ainsi, sur les 23 champions du monde, six ont obtenu le Bac, et deux un BEP. Plus...

22 juillet 2018

Parcoursup a rouvert ses portes

Screenshot-2018-4-18 Toute l'actualité de l'éducation bac, études, emploi - Page n°4 - Orientation EducationLa « phase complémentaire » de Parcoursup, plateforme d’affectation dans l’enseignement supérieur, a démarré hier, mardi 26 juin. Elle concerne les 171 413 élèves de terminale qui n’ont toujours pas reçu de réponse ou sont sur liste d’attente. Plus...

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