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26 juillet 2018

Marketing Influences Everything who’s been in marketing for a good while, might be tempted to lament days past when higher education brands and messages came with some implied authority. More...

26 juillet 2018

Paying Deeper Attention to Your Institution’s Website a more effective website means paying attention to small details because sometimes they matter a lot. More...

26 juillet 2018

Understanding Your School’s Visibility Chasm’s a good chance decision-makers on your campus believe your school has higher visibility in your own backyard than is likely the case. Market research can quantify that perception gap and help you build a strong case for a larger visibility budget. More...

26 juillet 2018

Communicating Change recent weeks, business analysts have been carefully monitoring the AT&T/Time Warner merger. With companies like HBO, Ameritech, and others caught in the shake-up, the impacts of the deal promise to be far-reaching for media, tech and other industries. More...

26 juillet 2018

Google and the College Search, Google released a new tool to help college-bound high schoolers find clear, consistent and critical admissions information about the schools they’re considering, including demographics, tuition costs and post-graduation salaries. More...

26 juillet 2018

Everything Old Is New Again pitfalls that plague higher education communications have remained fairly consistent over the last 40 years. Donna Lehmann takes a look at the history of viewbooks and recaps some of those challenges. More...

26 juillet 2018

The Problem With Giving Days higher ed can learn from premium brands about gimmicks. More...

26 juillet 2018

The Babel Problem with Big Data in Higher Ed that creating a “data gumbo” rich with integrated data sources, most colleges still experience “data babel” – critical operational challenges that involve applications, platforms and data bases that do not “talk” with one another and are difficult to integrate. More...
26 juillet 2018

La licence - 23.07.2018

26 juillet 2018

Entreprises innovantes en région Centre-Val de Loire : venez échanger le 23 octobre avec des créateurs d'entreprises

Screenshot-2018-4-21 Journal de mise en ligne - ESR enseignementsup-recherche gouv frA l’occasion des 20 ans du concours national I-LAB d’aide à la création d’entreprise de technologies innovantes et de la remise des prix de l’entrepreneuriat étudiant, le Lab'0 organise à Orléans une après-midi de rencontre qui permettra d'échanger avec des créateurs d'entreprises innovantes et de découvrir les nouvelles opportunités de soutien. Plus...

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