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2 août 2018

7 college presidents on “the worst leadership advice I ever received”

eCampus NewsIf anything, that great leaders are ‘born, not made’—as if one can’t learn or improve leadership skills. More...

2 août 2018

States show progress in measuring non-degree credentials

eCampus NewsA new 50-state scan reveals that while no state has comprehensive data about all types of non-degree credentials, including certificates, licenses, and industry certifications, states are improving their data collection practices around non-degree credential attainment. More...

2 août 2018

Experts say we’re approaching a third wave of higher-ed reform

eCampus NewsAs the global economy changes and demands more highly-skilled workers, some experts are tracking what they call a third wave of postsecondary education reform focused on making sure graduates have career-long alignment between their education and the job market. More...

2 août 2018

How to develop soft skills in the digital age

eCampus NewsWith the rise of automation, organizations worldwide have made soft skills like communication, collaboration, and critical thinking a top priority. To work successfully alongside machines, recent grads and the current workforce must rely on what makes them uniquely human. More...

2 août 2018

5 tips for the best ROI from mass notification systems

eCampus NewsMany campuses lack safety measures such as mobile safety apps and anonymous reporting tools, according to a new survey that sheds light on mass notification systems and a number of holes in campus safety efforts. More...

2 août 2018

9 things your online learning program should know about students

eCampus NewsOnline students say tuition and fees are among their top three deciding factors when it comes to choosing an institution, according to a Learning House survey of 1,500 students who are considering, enrolled in, or have graduated from an online learning program. More...

1 août 2018

Where is blockchain technology going in the future?

eCampus NewsBlockchain technology has garnered much attention in recent years, but technology leaders seem split over its future–some say the hype will be short-lived, but blockchain start-ups are growing and hiring. What does that mean for blockchain technology’s uses in higher education. More...

1 août 2018

Coloring outside the lines: Why innovation in higher ed is happening beyond traditional schools

eCampus NewsAccreditation doesn’t happen overnight. The process varies between accreditors, but a new school could reasonably expect to spend the better part of a decade proving itself before gaining accreditation. More...

1 août 2018

9 college presidents on increasing innovation on campus

eCampus NewsOver the years, our role as educators has been significantly transformed by technology. Today’s learners have moved beyond talking and writing on a whiteboard. We are engaging a student body that has grown accustomed to getting information rapidly and we have to incorporate this into every aspect of our engagement with them. More...

1 août 2018

The single biggest mistake universities make when going online

eCampus NewsU.S. News and World Report recently published its ranking of the best online MBA programs. The list featured 284 schools with online master’s degree programs in business administration. In December 2017, this number was 251, meaning 33 new online MBA programs were launched in the past six months. More...

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