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5 août 2018

Call for international postdoctoral researchers at Université libre de Bruxelles, deadline 15 October

IF@ULB is a European postdoctoral programme, COFUNDed by the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the European Commission within the framework of MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE actions (H2020). The programme will enable ULB to recruit 63 international postdoctoral researchers between 2018 and 2023, in three calls. More...

5 août 2018

News from SEFI, the European Society for Engineering Education

SEFI – the European Society for Engineering Education published in May a new position paper on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Engineering Education that advocates and gives ideas for creating inclusive environment at engineering education institutions. More...

5 août 2018

Networks and collaboration: The New European transnational education? 29 June, London

Amid the uncertainty of Brexit negotiations, some organisations have looked to transnational education (TNE) as a way of quelling fears about the opportunities to engage with Europe after the UK leaves the EU. Some have heralded TNE as a means to hedge against risks of exclusion from research programmes and ensure that universities can continue to reach a wide European student population, and increase staff and student mobility. More...

5 août 2018

University-Industry Interaction Conference, EUA members to present Science2Society, 22 June, London

Several EUA members will present outcomes of the Science2Society (S2S) project at the 2018 University-Industry Interaction Conference in London, on June 22nd. More...

5 août 2018

Call for the LifeLong Learning Awards 2018

In 2016, the Lifelong Learning Platform launched the LifeLong Learning Awardsto celebrate creative and inclusive practices. The aim of the Lifelong Learning Award is to give visibility to innovative practices taking place all over Europe in order to attract public attention on lifelong learning as well as to inspire new practices and policies. More...

5 août 2018

Launch of ACT, new project on gender equality in Research and Innovation

ACT (Communities of Practice for Accelerating Gender Equality and Institutional Change in Research and Innovation across Europe) is a H2020 funded project that will advance gender equality at research organizations by facilitating collaboration between experienced institutions in the implementation of gender equality plans with less experienced ones, addressing common needs and improving assessment. More...

5 août 2018

European Commission invites applications for new European Sustainability Award

The European Commission launches the first ever European Sustainability Award, to recognise the efforts and creativity of European people, businesses and organisations who work towards reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals. More...

5 août 2018

Comment former et accompagner les personnes sorties de prison pour retrouver un emploi ?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour L'ILOT est une association qui a pour vocation l'accueil et la réinsertion des personnes rejetées de la société et en grande détresse. Parmi les publics qu'elle accompagne, on compte les personnes qui font l'objet d'une peine de justice ( sortants de prison ou bénéficiant d'un aménagement de peine). EPALE France s'est entretenue avec l'ILOT pour connaitre les actions de réinsertion mises en place et plus particulièrement les ateliers qualification-insertion. Plus...

5 août 2018

The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe: volume 3

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Le 3ème volume est consacré à la réactivité des systèmes VET (éducation et formation professionnelles) aux changements externes. Plus...

5 août 2018

Ö-Cert, cadre de qualité pour l'éducation des adultes

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Ö-Cert a permis, pour la première fois, de créer des normes de qualité uniformes, communes à toute l’Autriche, et destinées aux organismes de formation. Ces normes ont pour but de contribuer à une meilleure professionnalisation des formations pour adultes, de garantir la qualité structurelle des prestataires et d’assurer la transparence et la simplification des démarches administratives. Plus...

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Formation Continue du Supérieur