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6 septembre 2018

RSSlets - Functional RSS Feeds

RSSlets - Functional RSS Feeds
Via Scott Leslie comes this nifty link to RSSlets, a set of useful RSS feeds designed to grab dynamic data. This is where the real power of RSS shines (and imagine having dynamic data feeds embedded in your course). More...

6 septembre 2018

Fair Use Under Fire

Fair Use Under Fire
The opening paragraph gets right to the heart of the problem. "A library customer checks out a new DVD from the library only to discover that it won't play on her Linux operating system at home. Another, who is blind, borrows an e-book from the library and finds that his text-to-voice software cannot "read" the product. More...

6 septembre 2018

Smarter Toys, Smarter Tots?

Smarter Toys, Smarter Tots?
Forget online learning: this is where the big money is. "Parents spend $2.8 billion per year on educational toys for infants and preschoolers," according to this article (probably citing U.S.-only figures). But the gist of this story is that these toys will not deliver the educational improvement their marketers promise. More...

6 septembre 2018

Microsoft to Lock Down MSN Messenger Network

Microsoft to Lock Down MSN Messenger Network
Expect many disgruntled users as Microsoft moves to "lock down" its instant messenging software, citing "security issues" with third party software. The people most afftected will be those who use products such as Trillian, Imici and Odigo in order to communicate with other instant messaging clients such as ICQ, AOL and Yahoo. More...

6 septembre 2018

Blogs Canada

Blogs Canada
This is definitely not the Government of Canada. But it is pretty funny in design, and if they can extend their reach beyond the LiveJournal universe, potentially useful as well. Blogs Canada is a large (though obviously partial) list of Canadian blogs, presented in a format remarkably similar to the Government of Canada home pages. More...

6 septembre 2018

Edumed News On-Line Newsletter

Edumed News On-Line Newsletter
If you are interested in the convergence between e-learning and health (and yes, there is one, a very large one), then you may be interested in the Edumed News On-Line Newsletter at Yahoo! Groups. More...

6 septembre 2018

Bayes on RSS feeds - Unsuitable?

Bayes on RSS feeds - Unsuitable?
Seb tossed this link to me and I feel like I ought to respond. It begins with the tantalizing idea of using Bayes Theorem using some Perl modules to autocategorize blog content. Nifty idea. Could it work? Well, not according to the critics. It does not take into account the origin of the feed, it does not take into account the placement of the word, and it does not take into account the relative importance of the word (such as placement in a title). More...

6 septembre 2018

Budding Buddy Business

Budding Buddy Business
This trend is already evident in the world of venture capital and it is likely to storm to the forefront in education as well: "Venture capitalists are opening up their wallets with caution to hot 'social networking' start-ups, or those companies that help you connect with friends to help get ahead in romance or work." What will people look for in education. More...

6 septembre 2018

Learning and Training Innivations

Learning and Training Innivations
George Siemens turned me to toward this new online learning magazine. Well, not new - this is volume 4, number 5. But the format is definitely worth nothing. I really like the page-turner, slide-bar, and table of content tabs. The magazine actually feels like a magazine, even when I read it online. More...

6 septembre 2018

Children’s Internet Protection Act: Study of Technology Protection Measures in Section 1703

Children’s Internet Protection Act: Study of Technology Protection Measures in Section 1703
This U.S. government report on the use of technology to protect schoolchildren from harmful content, though it does cite a measure of satisfaction with the products, recognizes that technological measures alone will not solve the problem. More...

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