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8 octobre 2018

University cash crisis worsens as state cuts budgets

By Gilbert Nganga. Kenya’s beleaguered public universities have been told to further tighten their belts after being slapped with a US$10 million budget cut that will worsen their cash woes, in austerity measures that are meant to avert a looming economic crisis. More...
8 octobre 2018

Academics criticise plans to establish new universities

By Alex Abutu. Academics have lashed out against proposals to significantly increase the number of public universities in Nigeria, as the government unsuccessfully grappled with an assessment report of public universities that highlighted glaring weaknesses within the sector. More...
8 octobre 2018

Pour promouvoir la vache ferrandaise

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. La Ferrandaise est une vache auvergnate de couleur pie rouge, originaire de la chaîne des Puys dans le Puy de Dôme, utilisée indifféremment pour le travail, la viande et le lait, celui-ci permettant en particulier de fabriquer la fourme de Rochefort-Montagne bénéficiant d'une cave d'affichage gérée par la coopérative La Fourmontoise. Plus...

8 octobre 2018

Student death at sea highlights education crisis

By Wagdy Sawahel. Outcry after a student was killed by the Moroccan navy during an illegal migration journey at sea has highlighted the ongoing emigration by young Moroccans in search of a better education and living standards in Europe. More...
8 octobre 2018

Protests as government shuts down Islamic HE institutions

By Wagdy Sawahel. Student demonstrations erupted and two academics were arrested by Mauritanian police in the outcry following a government shutdown of two Islamic higher education institutions at the end of September, after their teaching licences were revoked due to alleged links with the main opposition Islamic political party and the Muslim Brotherhood. More...
8 octobre 2018

Accreditation a critical instrument that lies at the heart of development

By Fiona Crooks – Editor. In Africa Analysis, Eric Fredua-Kwarteng and Samuel Kwaku Ofosu say the National Accreditation Board of Ghana needs massive capacity building to function effectively as a state-sponsored quality assurance agency and perform its vital role in improving higher education.
   In Africa Features, Patrick Swanzy reports on a lecture delivered in Cape Town by Professor Goolam Mohamedbhai about the implications of changes in higher education, such as rapid growth in student numbers, for the quality of teaching and learning.
   In Africa News, Wadgy Sawahel reports that a female student’s death at sea during an illegal migration throws the spotlight on Morocco’s inadequate higher education policies; and Wadgy Sawahel also writes on reactions to the Mauritanian government’s shutdown of two Islamic higher education institutions. Also in News, Alex Abutu reports on academics rejecting proposals to significantly increase the number of public universities in Nigeria, when existing institutions are being neglected.
   In a Special Report, Wachira Kigotho reports from the eLearning Africa conference in Kigali, Rwanda, on calls for African leaders to work towards ‘digital parity’ to enable the continent to participate equally in both digital and material contexts; and Rodrigue Rwirahira writes about calls for African universities to adopt brain-gain, facilitated by e-learning programmes.
   In another Special Report, Sharon Dell writes about the 2018 South African Technology Network International Conference in Durban, South Africa, where the role of universities in the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) was explored. In another story, Sharon Dell interviewed Sampan Silapanad, vice-president of Western Digital in Thailand, on the value of industry-university collaboration for producing graduates with skills for the 4IR.
   In a continuation of our Special Report on the Publishing Crisis, Philip G Altbach and Hans de Wit reiterate the need for differentiation of institutions and in academic publishing, without which the knowledge distribution system will remain dysfunctional and ridden with inefficiencies and corruption. More...
8 octobre 2018

Will China’s Silk Road initiative make it a global higher education leader?

By Brendan O’Malley – Managing Editor. In Features, Yojana Sharma reports on the views of international academic experts that China’s New Silk Road initiative could alter the dynamics of global collaboration in higher education, with China taking possible advantage of a ‘vacuum’ left by the United States, which will have implications for partnerships in Europe and China. And Kalinga Seneviratne reports on the Singapore Education Minister Ong Ye Kung’s contention that the role of higher education is changing and the system of university ranking needs to evolve with the times.
   In Commentary, Ararat Osipian looks at why Russian President Vladimir’s Putin’s ambitious commitment to get at least five Russian universities into the top 100 in world university rankings is doomed to fail. Igor Chirikov and Evgeniia Shmeleva suggest a combination of approaches that Russian universities should adopt to reverse the worrisome trend of increasing dishonesty among students, while the ministry of science and higher education should make addressing this issue a top priority. Eric Fredua-Kwarteng and Samuel Kwaku Ofosu say the National Accreditation Board of Ghana needs massive capacity building to function effectively as a state-sponsored quality assurance agency and perform its vital role in improving higher education. And Kai Yu writes that acquisition activity in private higher education in China has recently reached record highs and the success of these acquisitions is likely to depend on the acquired universities meeting the ever-changing labour market needs.
   In our World Blog this week, Patrick Blessinger, Shai Reshef and Enakshi Sengupta say that paradigm shifts in higher education have meant that more people see affordable lifelong education as a moral imperative and more universities and states are seeking ways to make higher education more affordable, in some cases by making it tuition-fee free.
   In a continuation of our Special Report on the Publishing Crisis, Philip G Altbach and Hans de Wit reiterate the need for differentiation of institutions and in academic publishing, without which the knowledge distribution system will remain dysfunctional and ridden with inefficiencies and corruption.
   In another Special Report, Wachira Kigotho reports from the eLearning Africa conference in Rwanda on calls for African leaders to work towards ‘digital parity’, while Rodrigue Rwirahira writes about calls for African universities to adopt a brain-gain strategy, facilitated by e-learning programmes. More...
8 octobre 2018

En novembre 2018, plus de 2000 évènements pour le Mois de l'ESS

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Novembre 208 verra la onzième édition du Mois de l'ESS. Les évènements sont consultables ici.
Comme chaque année nous nous ferons écho dans ce blog de différentes manifestations organisées durant ce mois. Plus...

8 octobre 2018

Journée européenne des Fondations le 1 er octobre

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Pour la quatrième année consécutive, le Centre français des Fonds et Fondations propose aux fondations françaises de participer à la Journée européenne des fondations. Plus...

8 octobre 2018

Séminaire « Les communs sociaux : des solidarités de proximité en actes ? » le 1 er octobre à Lille

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Ce nouveau séminaire du programme de recherche « Initiatives solidaires en communs » est l'occasion poursuivre la discussion sur les rapports entre communs et territoires initiée au sein de la chaire ESS Hauts de France. Les travaux engagés sur ce programme ont approfondi la notion de communs sociaux car celle-ci permet de questionner les liens entre la thématique des communs et le champ de l'économie sociale et solidaire. Plus...

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