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11 octobre 2018

Compétences des distributeurs d'assurances

Aquitaine Cap MétiersUn arrêté détermine la liste de ces compétences, en fonction de la nature des produits distribués, des modes de distribution et des fonctions exercées, ainsi que le contenu et les caractéristiques des actions de formation ou de développement professionnel continus correspondantes. Plus...
11 octobre 2018

Un guide pour les entreprises sur l’obligation d’emploi des travailleurs handicapés

Aquitaine Cap MétiersL'Agefiph a publié en juillet 2018 un guide intitulé "Obligation d'emploi des personnes handicapées : faites les bons choix !" à destination des entreprises. Plus...
11 octobre 2018

Services à la personne : nouvelles conditions d'agrément

Aquitaine Cap MétiersCertaines activités de service à la personne sont soumises à agrément. Doit être agréée, toute personne morale ou entreprise individuelle qui exerce des activités :
  • de garde et d'accompagnement d'enfants de moins de 3 ans ou d'enfants de moins de 18 ans en situation de handicap,
  • d'assistance dans les actes de la vie quotidienne ou d'aide à l'insertion sociale aux personnes âgées ou handicapées ou atteintes de pathologies chroniques qui ont besoin de cette assistance à domicile lorsque ces activités sont réalisées par mise à disposition ou par prestation de mandat (sauf certains actes de soins relevant d'actes médicaux). Plus...
10 octobre 2018

Foreign students up 4.5% in French tertiary institutions

There are 343,400 foreign students in the French higher education system, signalling a growth of 4.5% since 2016, according to figures released by the ministry of education. The number of foreign students in tertiary education in France has grown 18% since 2012 and almost doubled between 2000 and 2017, the ministry document states, writes Claudia Civinini for The Pie News. More...
9 octobre 2018

Campus on a Keyboard

Campus on a Keyboard
This item made the rounds on DEOS today, mostly for this one bit: Mark Smith, director of government relations for the American Association of University Professors, is unconvinced. "In many ways, there is no substitute for the give-and-take of the classroom," he says. More...

9 octobre 2018

Open-Source Content Management Systems

Open-Source Content Management Systems
Though the focus of the article is content management systems, it could be applied to any sort of software as the author provides an extended discussion of the benefits and disadvantages of open source. More...

9 octobre 2018

John Stone Fitness

John Stone Fitness
I'm not sure what to make of this site, but it's very inspiring and a testament to what a little determination and a blog can do. Having purchased an exercise bicycle just a week ago (those who have seen my photos can understand why) I feel a little like 'John Stone 2003'. No, I do not intend to use my blog as a personal fitness journal (you will no doubt be relieved to know). More...

9 octobre 2018

The Promise of Online Simulations

The Promise of Online Simulations
Good overview of the role simulations can play in learning, including an account of what topics are best taught using simulations - areas where judgement skills, not facts, need to be emphasized. More...

9 octobre 2018

The Barriers of Content and Context

The Barriers of Content and Context
Yes! "None of the leading social technology solutions allow users to pull information in the form of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds into a news aggregator. This is a model widely adopted by blogging solutions, and one that cries out to be integrated into social networking apps." Simplistic, unidimensional, context insensitive social networking applications (or any application, for that matter) misrepresent the potential benefit of the technology and fuel the inevitable backlash. More...

9 octobre 2018

SCORM and the Art of Specification Maintenance

SCORM and the Art of Specification Maintenance
"SCORM 1.3 is dead, long live SCORM 2004!" Thus begins CETIS's authoritative coverage of the new release, along with this interesting remark: "the first public indications of ADL's desire to hand the present SCORM 'to the community' have surfaced in last week's co-located CEN/ISSS and IEEE LTSC meeting." What's also interesting is that SCORM 2004 isn't really a new version, and that there is a widespread desire (and committment on the part of ADL) to stop making changes to it. More...

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