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3 novembre 2018

PIC 2019 : 1,5 milliards d’euros de contributions des entreprises mobilisé par France Compétences

3 milliards d’euros seront engagés dans le cadre du PIC en 2019 dont 50 % provenant de France Compétences
Objectif : accompagner et former les personnes peu qualifiées en recherche d’emploi et intensifier les effets de la loi pour la liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel, en accélérant par l’investissement et l’innovation la transformation du système de la formation professionnelle.
L’effectif de France Compétences sera de 70 équivalents temps plein.

3 novembre 2018

The professor of the future: Digital and critical

The ConversationYou have heard the tune. Great minds, we are told, no longer just publish top-tier research and teach, because the traditional model of scholarship has become too narrow and insular. Great minds become proselytizers of big ideas. More...

3 novembre 2018

True ‘innovation’ generates ideas, not wealth

The ConversationAncient innovators were poets, thinkers, artisans and scientists, not business owners. The classical Greek philosopher Socrates did not become famous for the massive dividends that he provided to his shareholders in the hemlock industry. More...

3 novembre 2018

Can new models of public interest journalism survive?

The ConversationOver the past year, 34 students at four Canadian journalism schools — Concordia, Ryerson, Regina and the University of British Columbia — joined together with senior journalists at three national news organizations — the Toronto Star, Global News and the National Observer — in an unprecedented reporting collaboration. More...

3 novembre 2018

In a time of robots, educators must invest in emotional labour

The ConversationTechnology critics and defenders alike argue that human jobs are being eliminated by workplace automation, minimizing the need for human interaction. More...

3 novembre 2018

Why history education is central to the survival of democracy

The ConversationStatues and names of prominent Canadians have also been the centre of vigorous debate across the country this year. One of these debates has focused on the statue of Edward Cornwallis in a public park in Halifax — the military officer who founded Halifax for the British in 1749, but also offered a cash bounty to anyone who killed an Indigenous person. More...

3 novembre 2018

Student grades: How confidence can hinder success

The ConversationAt this time of year, university students across the country are preparing for exams. Some will happily get higher-than-expected marks. But a larger group instead will be surprised by lower scores. More...

3 novembre 2018

Raising hope: Parenting in an anti-Black environment

The ConversationThe world my children live in is divided in two, as Frantz Fanon wrote in 1952 in The Wretched of the Earth. It is a world divided in endless opposites, a world still pained by the atrocities of the past, the endless generation of trauma in the present, guaranteeing even more atrocities for their future. More...

3 novembre 2018

Freedom of expression is under attack at our universities

The ConversationTolerance is one of the most familiar words in the English language. By definition it is neither virtue nor vice and may be either, depending on context. Its subject matter is usually negative; we don’t tolerate things we like — we endorse or affirm them. We tolerate things we do not like but that we know we must not suppress or prohibit. More...

3 novembre 2018

Don’t be a bystander: Five steps to fight cyberbullying

The ConversationNever in the history of humanity has bullying been so inventive and thus destructive. Cyberbullies exploit this digital age to spread hate. They intentionally and repeatedly use the internet to cause harm, fear or distress to people. Their behaviour includes harassing individuals they consider weak and defenceless, denigrating them and harming their reputation, typical of hate speech spreaders. More...

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