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13 janvier 2018

University Awards 2018: terms and conditions

The Guardian homeThe Guardian University Awards (the “Awards”) recognise excellence in the UK’s best universities and is open to all recognised higher education institutes and university professionals in the UK. More...

13 janvier 2018

University Awards 2018: the categories

The Guardian homeHere are the 15 categories for the 2018 awards – lots of choice for every university to find an area in which it excels. Universities may enter as many categories as they wish. More...

13 janvier 2018

University Awards 2018: supporters

The Guardian homeHSBC’s specialist higher education team works closely with local banking teams to provide on the ground expertise to higher education institutions. Our work includes understanding the long-term objectives of each institution and working in partnership to provide tailored product solutions. More...

13 janvier 2018

University Awards 2018: thanks for entering

The Guardian homePlease click here if you would like to enter for another category. To get your multiple entry discount, enter the discount code MultipleEB before 31 January or MultipleSR after. More...

13 janvier 2018

Toby Young: how barrage of nudges made OfS position untenable

The Guardian homeThe self-styled provocateur was helped on his way by a growing rebellion among fellow board members and Tory allies. More...

13 janvier 2018

The universities’ Faustian pact of 2010 gave us Toby Young

The Guardian homeThe bargain with the Tory-led coalition – more funding from high fees for more intrusive regulation – has come back to haunt higher education. More...

13 janvier 2018

A visionary to save the Open University – or the man who will run it into the ground?

The Guardian homeIn the digital age, what happened to newspapers will happen to universities. This was the startling proposition put to an audience of academics a few weeks ago within the 900-year-old walls of Durham Castle, by Peter Horrocks, vice-chancellor of the Open University. More...

13 janvier 2018

Edinburgh University's new vice-chancellor condemned in staff survey

The Guardian homeThe University of Edinburgh’s new vice-chancellor failed to uphold academic freedom and did not understand the needs of students, according to a survey of staff at his current institution. More...

13 janvier 2018

How to enter - tell us how your university shines

The Guardian homeWe invite entries from UK universities and university professionals across 15 categories, which are shortlisted and evaluated by an expert panel. We also invite nominations for the sector’s Inspiring Leader, voted for by readers of the Guardian Higher Education Network. An ideas bank of all winning and shortlisted entries will be published on the Guardian website after the ceremony. More...

13 janvier 2018

L'aide à l'insertion professionnelle des personnes handicapées : Agefiph et FIPHFP – Cour des comptes

L’emploi de travailleurs handicapés à hauteur de 6 % des effectifs est une obligation pour les entreprises et les organismes publics, lorsqu’ils emploient plus de 20 salariés. En cas de non-respect, les employeurs privés et publics doivent verser respectivement à l’association nationale de gestion du fonds pour l’insertion professionnelle des personnes handicapées (Agefiph) et au fonds pour l’insertion des personnes handicapées dans la fonction publique (FIPHFP) une contribution destinée à financer des actions dans le cadre de la politique d’aide à l’insertion professionnelle des personnes handicapés.
La Cour constate que la gestion de l’Agefiph et du FIPHFP, coûteuse et mal maîtrisée, est confrontée à une impasse financière. La valeur ajoutée de ces organismes dans la mise en œuvre de cette politique est faible, et leurs résultats insuffisants mettent en évidence la nécessité d’une refondation. La Cour formule quatre recommandations…

  • Référé à la ministre des solidarités et de la santé et au ministre de l'action et des comptes publics
  • Référé à la ministre du travail

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