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28 février 2018

FBI says Chinese operatives active at scores of U.S. universities

University Business Magazine logoAmid heightened concern about Russian election meddling, the FBI on Tuesday warned U.S. universities about Chinese intelligence operatives active on their campuses, adding that many academics display “a level of naiveté” about the level of infiltration. More...

28 février 2018

Agreements provide collaboration opportunities with EU universities

University Business Magazine logoWashington State University recently signed agreements to pursue the establishment of transatlantic collaborations with two leading universities in Austria and Germany on research programs and student exchanges. More...

28 février 2018

When will technology disrupt higher ed?

University Business Magazine logoIn the early 1990s, at the dawn of the Internet era, an explosion in academic productivity seemed to be around the corner. But the corner never appeared. Instead, teaching techniques at colleges and universities, which pride themselves on spewing out creative ideas that disrupt the rest of society, have continued to evolve at a glacial pace. More...

28 février 2018

Consent may soon be required as part of sex ed curriculum

University Business Magazine logoA proposal to expand Missouri’s sexual education curriculum to require discussion about consent, sexual assault and violence started with a meeting between a state lawmaker and a group of MU students. More...

28 février 2018

Okla. higher ed proponents regroup for continued fight for funding

University Business Magazine logoOne day after a $581 million revenue bill failed in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, higher education proponents gathered Tuesday at the state Capitol to promote their agenda and funding request. More...

28 février 2018

Budget deal could ease pressure on four historically black colleges

University Business Magazine logoDillard University, Xavier University of Louisiana and Southern University at New Orleans, all in New Orleans, as well as Tougaloo College in Jackson, Miss., took out more than $360 million in loans under the HBCU Capital Financing Program to help rebuild after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The loans were capped at 1% interest over 30 years. More...

28 février 2018

Ga. colleges say campus speech bill unnecessary

University Business Magazine logoGeorgia college officials and the presidents of its two largest universities told state lawmakers Tuesday that legislation aimed at protecting the rights of people invited to speak on campuses is unnecessary and could increase security costs and raise liability. More...

28 février 2018

Fewer Americans are majoring in education, but will students pay the price?

University Business Magazine logoCollege students hitting the books these days are far less likely to be learning about teaching — and that could be putting future generations’ educational attainment at risk. More...

28 février 2018

Accompagnement en présence "Entrainement aux épreuves et pratique professionnelle" pour les apprenants du CNED

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Dans le cadre de leur formation à distance, certains apprenants du Cned ont besoin de bénéficier d’un accompagnement en présence pour compléter leur parcours de formation.
Date limite de remise des plis : le 22/03/2018 à 17h00.
Télécharger le dossier de consultation. Plus...
28 février 2018

Emission radio : En mars, réalisez l’égalité !

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)En signant la charte européenne pour l'égalité des femmes et des hommes dans la vie locale le 8 mars 2017, la Région Nouvelle-Aquitiane s’est engagée à mettre en oeuvre un plan d’action intitulé « Réalisez l'égalité en Nouvelle-Aquitaine ». Plus...
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