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5 mars 2018

Tech companies should stop pretending AI won’t destroy jobs

Tech companies should stop pretending AI won’t destroy jobs
Kai-Fu Lee, MIT Technology Review, 2018/02/23

"It will soon be obvious that half of our job tasks can be done better at almost no cost by AI and robots," writes Kai-Fu Lee. More...

5 mars 2018

MOOCs are not dead, but evolving

MOOCs are not dead, but evolving
Diane Peters, University Affairs, 2018/02/23
“The numbers suggest MOOCs are, in fact, here to stay,” said Arshad Ahmad, vice-provost, teaching and learning, at McMaster University. As Diane Peters notes, " There are more MOOCs than ever, and some courses are indeed massive, with enrolments in the hundreds of thousands." No, they did not replace universities in ten years, but nobody seriously expected that. More...

5 mars 2018

Space as a tool for analysis: Examining digital learning spaces

Space as a tool for analysis: Examining digital learning spaces
Michelle Harrison, Open Praxis, 2018/02/23

I once gave am presentation on the use of space as an analogy for learning environments, so this article resonates with me. More...

5 mars 2018

“Just an Ass-Backward Tech Company”: How Twitter Lost the Internet War

“Just an Ass-Backward Tech Company”: How Twitter Lost the Internet War
Maya Kosoff, Vanity Fair, 2018/02/23
This article has one of the best tech put-downs I've ever read: "Twitter’s backend was initially built on Ruby on Rails, a rudimentary web-application framework that made it nearly impossible to find a technical solution to the harassment problem. If Twitter’s co-founders had known what it would become, a third former executive told me, 'you never would have built it on a Fisher-Price infrastructure.'" Oh, ouch. More...

5 mars 2018

Do Our “Least Restrictive Environments” Help Kids?

Do Our “Least Restrictive Environments” Help Kids?
Elizabeth Stein, Middle Web, 2018/02/23

The content in this post is pretty light but I liked the juxtoposition of least restrictibve environment (LRE), co-teaching, Friere's banking model, and teaching learners to understand how thinking works. More...

5 mars 2018

The End of the Gatekeeper

The End of the Gatekeeper
Joshua Singletary, EDUCAUSE Review, 2018/02/23

Good article about (what we hope is) the changing role of IT departments in the institution (your mileage may vary). More...

5 mars 2018

Colony: Technical White Paper

Colony: Technical White Paper
Aron Fischer, Jack du Rose, Alex Rea, Colony, 2018/02/20

Just open-sourced: Colony. This is a link to the Colony white paper (55 page PDF), also just released. More...

5 mars 2018

Learning to program is getting harder

Learning to program is getting harder
Allen Downey, Probably Overthinking It, 2018/02/20

I can attest from p[ersonal experience that this is true. More...

5 mars 2018

Wikispaces is Closing - Here Are Some Alternatives

Wikispaces is Closing - Here Are Some Alternatives
Richard Byrne, Free Technology for Teachers, 2018/02/20
It's sad to read this. On the Wikispaces blog the developers write, "it has become apparent that the required investment to bring the infrastructure and code in line with modern standards is very substantial." Modern standards would include everything from security to accessibility to APIs and cloud services. More...

5 mars 2018

I have forgotten how to read

I have forgotten how to read
Michael Harris, Globe and Mail, 2018/02/20
I thought at first the author was describing some rare mental condition involving Broca's area but all he is saying is that he reads differently now. More...

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