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6 mars 2018

Une ARE Projet pour les démissionnaires et une indemnité pour les indépendants au chômage

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Muriel Pénicaud se dit "en phase" avec le texte de l’accord sur l'assurance chômage (ANI) auquel les partenaires sociaux ont abouti la semaine dernière (voir notre info).
La ministre va reprendre dans le projet de loi pour la liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel la plupart des dispositions de cet accord. Plus...
6 mars 2018

Chaud et froid sur la fusion Bouches du Rhône/Marseille Provence Métropole

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Depuis notre récent point donnant Des nouvelles de la fusion promise entre Métropoles et départements, le projet de fusion entre le département des Bouches du Rhône et Marseille Provence Métropole voit souffler le chaud et le froid. Plus...
6 mars 2018

Aperçu de l’économie sociale et de ses composantes en Amérique du Nord

Alternatives EconomiquesSur le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Dans le N°59 d'Intervention économiquesconsacré à La nature sociale de la monnaie. Enjeux théoriques et portée institutionnelle plusieurs articles écleiret le sujet des monnaies locales. Plus...
6 mars 2018

Topic Representation and Learning Object Metadata

Topic Representation and Learning Object Metadata
Discussion of the use of topic maps and alternative schema generation tools for the creation of learning object metadata designed to handle tasks not envisioned by SCORM and other metadata standards. By Stephen Downes. More...

6 mars 2018

Mission: Buy an LMS

Mission: Buy an LMS
So you've decided to buy a learning management system (LMS). Now what? First, define your learning need - where do you want to be when this is all done? And second, plan on (large) migration costs, no matter what the vendors say. The article does a good job of helping you define your learning need and matching this need to LMS features. More...

6 mars 2018

Buy Versus Build: A Battle of Needs

Buy Versus Build: A Battle of Needs
I thought at first that the subtitle read, "A Battle of Nerds," and while my eyesight may have cleared, the allusion remains. Because in many companies or educational institutions, a champion emerges - the 'nerd' - with a plan to build a dedicated learning system or learning content. More...

6 mars 2018

Microsoft release LRN 3.0 Toolkit, supporting IMS Content Packaging, IMS Metadata and SCORM

Microsoft release LRN 3.0 Toolkit, supporting IMS Content Packaging, IMS Metadata and SCORM
Hot on the heels of the release of a similar package by Macromedia as a Dreamweaver, Microsoft releases an IMS and SCORM content packaging toolkit. Naturally, the toolkit is intended to be used with Microsoft's Learning Resource iNterchange (LRN). More...

6 mars 2018

Rewarding Punishment

Rewarding Punishment
More discussion of the proposed antitrust settlement that will see Microsoft donate a billion dollars of hardware and software to underfunded schools. More...

6 mars 2018


It's need to be able to surf to a brand new forum like this. When I arrived this morning there were zero posts and five members (an administrator and four 'starting members'). Makes me feel like I'm right on top of things in this field. More...

6 mars 2018

The Power of the School Website

The Power of the School Website
"In the school of the future, the website will become one of the main conduits for the school administrative and teaching staff to maintain personal connection with parents,students and the wider community." But how do schools use their websites today. More...

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