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23 mai 2018

From Diversity Chief to College President

HomeBy Marjorie Valbrun. Changing demographics and demands for inclusion on campuses open a nontraditional path to the presidency. But two recent appointees have been subject to anonymous email campaigns. More...

23 mai 2018

Ball State Control of School District Wins OK

HomeBy Rick Seltzer. Ball State University is officially taking over the financially challenged local school district in its home of Muncie, Ind., after the state’s governor signed a measure last week that was approved during a special legislative session. More...

23 mai 2018

Universities Quietly Collaborate with Facebook

HomeBy Lindsay McKenzie. A growing number of academics are working with the social media platform to build new products, but few want to talk about it. More...

23 mai 2018

Textbook Authors Sue Cengage Over Subscription Model

HomeBy Lindsay McKenzie. Publisher Cengage has been accused of “trampling on its authors’ rights” in a class action suit filed in New York Monday. More...

23 mai 2018

Learning Tool or Cheating Aid?

HomeBy Lindsay McKenzie. After students at Texas Christian University are suspended for allegedly using the Quizlet app to cheat on their exams, professors are warned this case may be the tip of the iceberg. More...

23 mai 2018

Professor Bans Laptops, Sees Grades Rise

HomeBy Lindsay McKenzie. At an institution that prides itself on its use of technology, one professor goes in the opposite direction -- banning all electronic devices in his classes. More...

23 mai 2018

‘Big Deal’ Cancellations Gain Momentum

HomeBy Lindsay McKenzie. An increasing number of universities are ending, or threatening to end, bundled journal subscriptions with major publishers. More...

23 mai 2018

The Invisible Boot Camp

HomeBy Lindsay McKenzie. Trilogy Education Services runs coding boot camps for a growing number of universities. The partnerships are lucrative for the institutions, but are they worth the reputational risk. More...

23 mai 2018

Turkey Says No New French Programs

HomeBy Elizabeth ReddenTurkey’s Higher Education Board has banned universities from opening new French studies departments amid tensions between Paris and Ankara and controversy over an open letter signed by prominent French figures calling for the deletion of certain passages in the Quran, Reuters reported. More...

23 mai 2018

Free Tuition Policies Don't Guarantee Access

HomeBy Elizabeth ReddenFree tuition policies are rooted in strong philosophical and social traditions but do not necessarily lead to increased access or student success, according to a new paper in the journal Higher Education Policy titled “There Is No Such Thing as Free Higher Education: A Global Perspective on the (Many) Realities of Free Systems.” More...

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