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6 août 2018

Automation Readiness Rankings: Problems Ahead for Many Countries

A substantial part of these rankings is concerned with education. The report analyses 28 indicators of which 13 relate to education policies, divided into 4 categories, basic education, post-compulsory education, continuous education, and learning environments. A total of 25 countries at diverse economic levels are included in the analysis. More...

6 août 2018

Les réfugiés en France : des travailleurs étrangers (presque) comme les autres ?

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Selon l’enquête « Elipa » de 2010, 13 % des immigrés ayant obtenu un premier titre de séjour d’au moins un an en 2009 sont des réfugiés. Les autres motifs de détention d’un titre de séjour sont principalement familiaux (72 %) ou liés au travail (9 %).
En 2010, 39 % des réfugiés sont en emploi, soit 53 % des hommes et 19 % des femmes. Les réfugiés ont un peu plus de difficultés à trouver un emploi que les autres titulaires d’un titre de séjour. Pour les femmes réfugiées, les contraintes familiales, associées à une arrivée généralement plus récente sur le territoire français, constituent souvent un frein pour s’insérer sur le marché du travail.
Les réfugiés ont, par ailleurs, un sentiment de déclassement plus prononcé : 38 % d’entre eux considèrent qu’ils occupent une position professionnelle moins favorable que celle qu’ils avaient dans leur pays d’origine contre 26 % pour les détenteurs d’un titre de séjour familial et 14 % pour les salariés. Cependant, trois ans après la première interrogation, les taux d’activité et d’emploi des réfugiés se redressent fortement.

- Dares Analyses 2018-037 - Les réfugiés en France : des travailleurs étrangers (presque) comme les autres ?

6 août 2018

Conference “National Minorities and Minority Languages in a changing Europe” in Strasbourg next week

Screenshot-2018-5-2 NewsroomA high-level conference “Minorities and Minority Languages in a Changing Europe” will be held in Strasbourg on 18-19 June on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, the two key treaties of the Council of Europe in this area. More...

6 août 2018

Council of Europe honours Roma victims of the Holocaust: “acknowledge the past and improve Roma rights today”

Screenshot-2018-5-2 NewsroomToday in Strasbourg, the Council of Europe held a commemorative wreath-laying ceremony in memory of Roma and Sinti victims of the Holocaust. This year marks the 74th anniversary of 2 August, 1944, when all remaining Roma of the so-called “Zigeunerlager” (Gypsy camp) – 2,897 men, women and children – were exterminated in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
The Romani genocide, later known as Pharrajimos, was the plan by the Nazi regime and those who supported it to exterminate the Romani people of Europe. While exact figures or percentages cannot be ascertained, historians estimate that around 25 per cent of all European Roma were killed, and over 90% in several European countries. More...

6 août 2018

We must not forget Srebrenica

Screenshot-2018-5-2 NewsroomToday, Commissioner Mijatović, participated in the commemoration of the 23rd anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide. In her speech she expressed her deepest condolences to the families of the victims, honoured the memory of the victims and called on all political leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia to make the search for missing persons a top priority. More...

6 août 2018

Regional or minority languages are protected in Norway, but further efforts needed

Screenshot-2018-5-2 NewsroomProgress has been made while promoting regional and minority languages in Norway, such as the Sami languages, Kven/Finnish and Romani/Romanes, according to a report published today by the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. Almost all undertakings are fulfilled concerned the North Sami language but difficulties persist with the use of special characters in public registers and the use of Sami in social care facilities. More...

6 août 2018

The Council of Europe adopts a new counter-terrorism strategy for 2018-2022

Screenshot-2018-5-2 NewsroomIn response to the acute terrorist threat in Europe, the Council of Europe today adopted a new strategy based on prevention, prosecution and protection, including assistance to victims. More...

6 août 2018

Council of Europe gives recommendations to member States on children’s rights in the digital environment

Screenshot-2018-5-2 NewsroomHow to better respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment is at the core of the new Recommendation adopted today by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers. Building on international and European legal instruments, the text provides comprehensive guidelines for action by European governments. More...

6 août 2018

European states must put human rights at the centre of their migration policies

Screenshot-2018-5-2 NewsroomEuropean states’ current approach to the arrivals of refugees and migrants has transformed a manageable issue into an extremely divisive topic, in particular within EU member states. And it has caused immense suffering and hardship to thousands of people who sought our protection. It is time that European states put the human rights of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, as well as the principle of responsibility sharing, at the centre of their migration and asylum policies. More...

6 août 2018

GRECO urges Ireland to ensure judiciary's independence on appointments and promotion of judges

Screenshot-2018-5-2 NewsroomThe Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) has urged the Irish authorities to step up their efforts to ensure judicial independence in respect of appointments and promotion of judges. More...

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